Another sad day: Well today when our... - PSP Association

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Another sad day

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
44 Replies

Well today when our daughter came around George wanted to say something to her, I had to listen and try to work out what he was saying, he was asking her if anything happens to him to look after mummy, come around a see her every day, everything that we have after mummy passes away must be split equally between you, I was crying, she was crying, he said to her I am sorry for times that I have upset you!!!!! She said I love you dad, they were cuddling each other, he wants to speak to the other 2 children, I am frightened that he has had enough of the bloody horrible illness, that he wants to leave me, he is coughing and choking so much now, I am frightened. Anyone else had this experience? Do you think it is near the end? Wanted to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in March everything crossed for that. Yvonne xxx

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Yvonneandgeorge profile image
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44 Replies
Marie_14 profile image

Yvonne that is so sad but also so beautiful. George obviously is worried about you and wants reassurance that your children will look after you when he goes. I think he is so wise and kind to do that. Wish G had done that with my kids!

Maybe he is getting ready to go and who could blame him? Or maybe he is just worrying and wants reassurance? Either way you have a very special man. Even if you don't make it to your 50th you have probably already been together more than 50 years? G always added the years since we met onto our wedding anniversary! I used to tell him everyone would think we were both really old! Especially as I was younger than him when we got married!! 😊 It makes me smile now.

George is special but you already know that or you wouldn't be with him for almost 50 years, or longer if you count the time since you met?

One day he will have to go you know that? You have been preparing for it for a long time. None of us wants to lose the ones we love? Sadly it has either already happened or it will happen? Be happy for however long you have left Yvonne, and be happy for such care and love from George even when he feels so poorly.

Lots of love and hugs to you both.

Marie x

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Marie_14

Thank you Marie hope you are ok xxxxx

Auddonz profile image

My dear Yvonne, I wish Don had said something like that, he didn't. Maybe it is his time, it will not be easy. I wish I could say something to comfort you but there is nothing I can say. Maybe he will have a turn around. Has he been checked for a UTI? He doesn't want to leave you. You have been together a long time and have been fortunate in having that much time together. Much love from me to all of you.


Oh Yvonne that is just heart breaking, not much one can says.



Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to

Dee psp is a hateful illness xxxx

Spiralsparkle profile image

A sad day but how strong is your man and the love he has for you shining through. He maybe trapped in that body that won't do as he wants now but he is still looking after you by having these conversations. Not everyone has the inner strength to have difficult conversations and alot of things are left unsaid when our loved ones do leave us

It maybe he feels his condition is changing towards the final hurdles or he is just anxious and this is something that plays on his mind and he wants to say it whilst he still is able. He is a special man. As ever all we can do is take every day as the last as the uncertainty of these conditions is such.

Big hugs

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Spiralsparkle

Thank you it was a sad day yesterday xxxx

Satt2015 profile image

Bless you both Yvonne, such a heartbreaking time for you all! Thinking of you and sending lots of love x

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Satt2015

Amanda thank you xxxx

easterncedar profile image

That is painful but sweet and lovely, Yvonne. Poignant is the word, I think. Cherish him and the time you have, hard as it is. I know you have not had an easy road. My heart goes out to you. Love, ec

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to easterncedar

Thank you lovely lady xxxx

doglington profile image

I know how you feel.

That is exactly what Chris did. He asked every one he could to look after me !

Then he stopped eating. He knew when he had had enough and did all he could to sort things.

I feel proud of him but I found it so hard to let him go.

Big hug for you, Yvonne xxxx

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to doglington

Feeling so sad I don’t want him to go but I don’t want him to suffer like this. Hope you are ok. Yvonne xxxxx

doglington profile image
doglington in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

If he is still eating then he thinks its worth it. He sounds like a man who knows his mind !

Plan the party !

Lots of love, Jean xx

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to doglington

Jean yes he does , he had a very strong character. My hear is pounding, heard a Big Bang , he just fell out of bed. Yvonne xxxx

doglington profile image
doglington in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

I so remember that stress !!

For the last few weeks Chris couldn't even turn over in bed - different sort of stress !!


Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to doglington

Sending you a big hug Jean xxxx

NannaB profile image

Hi Yvonne, I echo everything everyone else has said. If George has had enough, who can blame him. Several of our loved ones have made the decision themselves and have had very peaceful departures. I pray that however long he has with you now will be painfree and peaceful for all of you.

Lots of love


Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to NannaB

Oh Bev I am so sad other children coming around this week, Yvonne xxxxx

Heady profile image

It sounds like that word, acceptance, has come into your life. How ever long he has left, treasure it. Make sure you have as much help as is possible, so you can go back to being his wife again.

Sending big hug and much love

Lots of love


Ratcliffe profile image

Posts like these always leave me bawling my eyes out.

Look after him, he's a special one for you.

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Ratcliffe

Thank you xxxx

Bargiepat profile image

George's words have made me remember my mother reading a letter that my dying father had written 72 years ago......

I was 5 at the time and can remember exactly where she was standing in my bedroom when she read me his letter that contained the words ........ " be a good boy and look after your mother "

He was 35 years old when he died from testicular cancer........

Please give George a hug from me,


Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Patrick that is really sad big hugs back to you xxxx

Katiebow profile image

My heart bleeds for you both Yvonne, such a touching post. Bens speech is mostly inaudiable, just manage to catch the odd word and try to work out the rest of the sentence. He gets very frustrated when I can't make out what he says and gives up in the end. I think it's the most difficult part of this awful disease to deal with.

Sending my love and support

Kate xxx

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to Katiebow

Hi Kate, you are right, it is the worst, because you are always worried that you are misunderstanding them. I think I got the general things right, most of the time. It was the one off's that we had problems, like him wanting a beer at midnight, a week before he died, or him telling me " for the thousand time, stop bullying me!" days before he went. We got those comments, by him pointing at large magnetic letters on a board. It upset me at first, now I just think it's funny. Steve died, being himself, right up to the end.

Hope you are OK.

Sending big hug and much love

Lots of love


Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Kate it is also hard sometimes to understand George, you have to really listen, I think we have got use to it, maybe we can understand more than others can. Children are always asking what did dad say? Thank you Kate. How are you doing? Xx

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

I think instinct kicks in, as well Yvonne. We always knew what our precious new born babies wanted or needed. I'm sure it was the same for me, with Steve.

Sending big hug and much love

Lots of love


Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Heady

Thank you Anne. Love and hugs back to you xxxx

Cuttercat profile image

Oh Yvonne, I'm so touched by your post. George worries as I'm sure they all do. Charles does as well and we had our 25th Anniversary.

I want the choking and coughing to stop. Some nights it's all night long. But he is still eating.

If George can still eat he'll be with you for awhile.

But we are not in charge. He is obviously setting things straight for all of you, how kind of him.

Thinking of you and sending hugs.


Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Cuttercat

Yes he is still eating, takes ages though. Thank you for the hug and one back to you . Xxxx

Cuttercat profile image
Cuttercat in reply to Yvonneandgeorge

Don’t I know it. Takes forever to get meal finished. Charles is so so tired. Sad for all of us


Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Cuttercat

Big hugs xxxx

Hi Yvonne, so sorry and sad to read your post. My thoughts are with. Much love x


Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to

Thank you Jeanie xxx

Beverley52 profile image

Hi Yvonne. Yes , we had exactly the same. Billy was in intensive care for 2 weeks, and was very ill. His sons are not my sons, but when we were all with him, he insisted on saying what his wishes were. Whilst I knew this was coming his sons did not, and his youngest son became very upset, and tried to leave saying “ no daddy, I can’t hear this” but we got him to stay. And Billy said much the same as your George. And yes we all cried. . It was very hard at the time, but made subsequent conversations so much easier. And I thank him even now for that, as do his sons.

Anyone who can do that, in their position is a strong caring loving person. You can only love them more for it.

Billy went on to recover from that particular episode, much to the surprise of everyone. And lived another 18 months. Which of course meant that he even planned his own funeral. But obviously at that particular time, even he thought he was near the end.

Your George sounds like a lovely man too.

I wish you and your family all the very best. And hope you make it to your anniversary. Billy wanted to make it to his 60th, he did. And he planned the party we had. Plan the party, or what ever it is that you want to do. Strong men can surprise us.

Hugs, and hope you have a good

Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Thank you Beverly for your kind words, going to plan the 🎈 party , we will have a lovely Christmas with everyone around us. Sending you a big hug Yvonne xxxxx

BandT profile image

Oh Yvonne, this brought me to tears. How lovely that your husband has such a caring family. I think planning for your 50th Wedding Anniversary is a good idea and give you both something to look forward to. Massive hugs. B x

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to BandT

Going to start planning it xxxx thank you for the hug xxxx one back to you xxx

Tttp profile image

Hi Yvonne, so sorry George is having such a terrible time now I hate this dreaded psp what a terrible disease this is my brother is having his times to he chokes all the time, so hard on the family I just keep praying all I can do at this point thinking of you stay strong, many hugs. Nettie

Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to Tttp

Nettie thank you, Big Bang tonight he was on the floor when I ran into the bedroom, he looked really shocked and frightened, son in law helped me get him up. Big hug to you. Yvonne xxxxx

abirke profile image

Everything that has been said say I also. However I cannot speak for the tears of my own memories are choking my words to you. God bless youa nd your darling ones.


Yvonneandgeorge profile image
Yvonneandgeorge in reply to abirke

Thank you memories hurt sometimes don’t they. Big hug Yvonne xxxxx

abirke profile image


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