My three middle fingers from my right hand are numb can someone please let me know if they know what's wrong with me it's been 4 days am getting scared
My three middle fingers from my right hand... - PSP Association
My three middle fingers from my right hand are numb can someone please let me know if they know what's wrong with my

Do contact your doctor. It could be a minor thing which could be sorted and stop you worrying about it. If it is more serious, you need to get it seen to anyway. Good luck. X
Maybe a nerve trapped someplace. Get your gp on the case. Better be safe. Take care. Marie
Sounds like a pinched nerve - probably nothing to worry about, but see your GP if possible - and then maybe a chiropractor?
Dear Bogg,
You have only posted once before, but I am concerned for you. Can you tell us something about yourself? Are you dealing with this all on your own? Where are you? Love and Peace, Ec
Hi, Bogg - Just wondering how you are doing? I started having problems with my middle to pinkie fingers sort of seizing up recently, and someone suggested a stretch where I extend my arm and pull the fingers back with the other hand so my wrist bends back 90 degrees. I think it's working. I hope you are getting some help with your troubles. Best wishes, ec