Sad News regarding a Great Friend - PSP Association

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Sad News regarding a Great Friend

BindiLeech profile image
32 Replies

Hi there everyone but especially ec!!!!

Well I have just got off the phone with Stella, peterjones's " wife, who has advised me that very sadly, pj or Reg has passed away - it happened whilst he was in hospital (the details of which I did not get from her) on the 19th February 2017 at 9:10pm. He apparently was surrounded by all his family and on the death certificate he had requested the placement of PSP (which ultimately did occur). Apparently he also died of Pneumonia and because he was still very active until the end, I am assuming falls may also have had a part to play.

Needless to say, I know this news will rock a few of you on this site, and I am so sorry that I didn't have happier news to be able to tell you. One thing I am very glad about is the fact that Adrian, my Hubby and I arranged to meet up with Reg and Stella just before Christmas and so I can say I have met the wonderful man that Reg (peterjones) obviously was.

It is rather interesting to me at present as we have just got home from attending my second brothers funeral in New Zealand. John died on March the 14th, which came after our first brothers death on December 31st 2016 in Harare (Zimbabwe) - Hubby and I had also gone over to Zimbabwe to attend his funeral. So I am now saying to myself that Reg's passing is the 3rd one and now that will be the end of funerals for a very long time (I sincerely hope anyway!). Cheers and love to all, BINDI X

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BindiLeech profile image
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32 Replies
abirke profile image

Dear Bindi thank you so much for passing on the message about Peter Jones. He was one of the first who responded to me.....I always was very fond of him . and to think he died on my birthday...Well I do hope Mrs. Jones will be able to carry on and like me and so many others, ready for the next journey......

And as for you poor Bindi I do hope this is the last goodbye you will have to give for a long while...two brothers within months of each other very difficult indeed.....Well you know you have us darlin....

Rest and relax now and cheers back at ya


BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to abirke

Thank you so much again, AVB, for your kind and inspirational words........... you have given me goosebumps with your comment on how Pj died on your birthday - spooky stuff or what!!!!!!!!

Take care

XX Bindi

honjen43 profile image

Thank you for passing on the news Bindi. It makes me feel very sad! But at least he seemed vocal and reasonably active to the end.

Farewell Peter Jones from Queensland Australia mate! We will miss you here!

Jen xxx

BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to honjen43

Thank you Jen for your lovely words.

Love Bindi

I do hope his family will know how dear he was to our PSP family here. If it can be pass on to his family , my deepest condolences to them.

Dee in BC

BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to

Thank you so much Dee - I shall ensure that these messages are passed on to his wife Stella.



jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to


Trish-dave profile image

Rest in peace peter jones

NannaB profile image

Thank you so much for letting us know this sad news. My own darling husband would receive private messages from Peter Jones sent to me and they were always funny and cheered him up. We hadn't heard from him for a long time but when I posted in October that C had died, he sent me a lovely message. He said we wouldn't here from him for a while as he was expecting to go for another hand op but I have thought about him so much. He seemed such a lovely man. He and my darling are now free from PSP and I hope Stella is finding there is life after PSP.

Unfortunately I have hit an age when many of my friends and relations are succumbing to illnesses and the funerals are continuing but I hope your number 3 is the last for a very long time.

Thanks again for the information. Dear Peter will be sorely missed.


toyota11 profile image

Sorry to lose you Peter Jones, always enjoyed your posts. Peter.

doglington profile image

Thank you for letting us know.

Peter Jones always seemed such a big personality. He always cheered us with his responses and courage and was an important part of this community. He will be sorely missed.

Love from Jean and Chris x

Heady profile image

Hi Bindi, thank you so much for passing on the sad news of Peter Jones. I have been wondering how he is.

Peter - Reg, may you rest in peace, finally free from this evil disease.

Please can you pass on to Stella, my love and heartfelt thanks. Peter, with his wonderful sense of humour and witty comments, got me through many a dark moment and often would put me straight on what Steve was going through. As he had lost his ability to communicate very early, this helped me enormously. We will miss Peter very much.

I am very sorry for your losses as well, two brothers to go so close together must be hard to come to terms with.

Sending big hug and much love

Lots of love


BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to Heady

Hi there Anne

Thank you so much for your wonderful words of comfort - it really does mean a lot to me. I am finding it very interesting to read others comments on Peter - I can remember the first time I read his online "blurb" and his signature sign off is really what got me keen to arrange a visit to him particularly in that he was only about 1/2 hr away from where we are in Brisbane. The other thing which is quite strange is that I was thinking of contacting him again and arranging another visit very soon so I really wasn't expecting the response I received from Stella.

Anyway, this is life at present and I guess we are all still living our lives - yay!!

Cheers Anne

Bindi x x x xx x x

GonnaMissDaddy profile image

I've become more of a lurker in recent months but I remember Peter and thought a lot of him, VERY nice man, and VERY brave. I burst into tears when I saw the title of this thread. My sincere condolences to his wife and family. Thank you for letting us know Bindi. Rest in Peace, dear Peter. We shall all meet some sweet day on the other side where we'll ALL be happy and healthy.

BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to GonnaMissDaddy

Hi there Gonnamissdaddy........and your last comment is just so true - hopefully!!!!!!!!! I keep imaging what the next level is going to be for us all - and at this point I do not have a clue!!!!!! Maybe by the time I get there, there will be something I can use to let everyone else in my life, " know what to expect on the other side!!!!!!!".


GonnaMissDaddy profile image
GonnaMissDaddy in reply to BindiLeech

Bindi, I haven't a clue either, what it will BE like, and not for lack of trying to imagine. My mom who I was VERY close with, died at age 34 of aggressive misdiagnosed cancer. I was 16 with 2 younger siblings, I'm now on the dark side of 50 eeek, haha, and have spent my ENTIRE adult life wondering about Heaven because I wanna see my precious Mama again. It's one mysterious place right, just hard to imagine but that's ok, apparently we don't need to know yet because that would interfere with our free will and God wants us to decide about Him using our own free will and not because we KNOW all about Heaven right? Did that make sense? I need sleep but does that stop me or slow me down as I type type type. Has anyone else ever noticed that you see Heaven written as heaven but hell is always written as Hell. I don't get that but I digress and I need sleep. Please forgive me for getting off topic. ~Sheila

Katiebow profile image

Thanks for letting us know that Peter Jones has left this world and free from the crippling disease called PSP. I send my love and thoughts to his family you were both lucky to have met such a seemingly lovely funny man.

Kate xxx

BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to Katiebow

Too true Kate - he was an incredibly wonderful man, who I think would have challenged his lovely wife at times!!!!

Tugun profile image

So sad to hear about PJ and your brothers Bindi. What a difficult time you have had. I'm glad you got to meet PJ (Reg). Thinking of you.

BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to Tugun

Thank you so much Tugun for your wonderfully kind words - much appreciated.

Love Bindi x x x x

allotmentartist profile image

Condolences to his family, he was an inspiration x

Marie_14 profile image

Oh Bindi such sad news. He was so kind to me when I joined the site. Always so cheerful too. It made me feel that we could get through this somehow. I somehow thought he was there forever as he was full of life. I admired him so much and when Garry died on 22nd Feb I was surprised not to hear from him. I wondered if he was having a bad time and have been wondering about sending a message. Little did I know he had preceded Garry by 3 days. I am so sorry for his wife Stella. Please let her know how much we cared about him. My heart goes out to her and family. I and many others know how she is feeling right now. We have lost so many good people it is heartbreaking.

I remember how excited Reg as we now know he was, was so excited you were going to visit him Bindi. It meant a lot to him. Maybe a lesson there for all of us that just because people are ill or bereaved doesn't mean we should forget them? They actually need us more than ever? Just a phone call can lift someone's spirit. Please let us not forget Reg (Peter's) kindness to us all. Maybe he can be always remembered through our own actions?

Bindi for you to lose two brothers in such a short time must be unbearable. Hugs and lots of love to you. My heart goes out to you. Please make sure you keep in contact? You have your own problems to deal with and need support. Thank you for letting us know about Reg's passing. I hope he was waiting there for my Garry. I think they would have got on well.

Marie x

BindiLeech profile image
BindiLeech in reply to Marie_14

Thank you so much Marie for your wonderful words - do you mind if I use them and send them to Stella??? x xx x

Marie_14 profile image
Marie_14 in reply to BindiLeech


I don't mind at all. I am sure Stella knew what he was like but I wonder did she realise how many lives he touched? Not many can say that I suspect? Bindi I am so glad you visited him as he was so delighted and looking forward to meeting you so much. Please stay in contact with us. I think you were our only two Aussies on the site although you may know otherwise?

Take care of yourself.

Marie x

easterncedar profile image

i am heartbroken. I loved that wonderful peterjones.

Thanks for letting us know, Bindi, sad though it is.

Love, ec

Debbieann profile image

Another person who will be sadly missed xx

Nanny857 profile image

Hi Bindi, thanks for letting us know the very sad news of Peter Jones' (Reg) passing. Please pass on my condolences along with everyone else's to his wife Stella. I'm sorry I never got to meet Reg to thank him personally for the help he gave me and for his humour. Will miss him.

Also condolences to you on the loss of your 2 brothers and in such a short space of time. Sending you lots of love Nanny857xx

Lieve profile image

So sad - this really hit me hard - thank you Peter or Reg for always being such a cheerful man, mate! We have lost so many recently, or does it only look this way.. PSP relentlessly taking and taking. My warmest wishes to all his loved ones. Thank you for letting us know, Bindi. Sitting here with tears in my eyes. Isn't it amazing how we can connect across the oceans and find each other?

With love,


easterncedar profile image
easterncedar in reply to Lieve

Yes, Lieve, It is amazing how much love we are able to share with folks we will never meet. I am grateful for it, but oh I am so sad about our dear friend from down under. He was so generous and cheerful. There's no one like him.

Love and peace to you and all, ec

MaddyS profile image

Dear Bindi.

Thank you for passing on the sad news about Peter Jones. Please convey my condolences to Mrs Jones. She was always there in the background of Peter's messages. I am glad to hear that his family was present in hospital. Hubby and I always admired his sense of humour and his determination not to let PSP stop him from doing what he wanted to do. As I'm writing this, several of his messages come to mind, especially the funny ones.....

Bindi I'm sorry to hear about your other bereavements, too many all at ones. Take care, love maddy x

Robbo1 profile image

Thank you, Bindi, for letting us know that Reg has moved on to better things. He was an inspiration and a treasure, thinking of others and overcoming his difficulties in order to help and support us. Please pass my condolences on to his wife and family, they, like Reg, have fought a good fight against PSP. We are all in it together, Reg was no exception, although he was truly an exceptional man. May he rest in peace. X

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to Robbo1





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