Angels Do Have Wings to Fly! : It is... - PSP Association

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Angels Do Have Wings to Fly!

vsm0001 profile image
26 Replies

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I write to you tonight.

On Saturday, Feb 11th, Guy lost his battle with Corticobasal Degeneration.

It was a very peaceful passing, I know he

is in no more pain, and is able to rest peaceably.

The end was a long ten days. On the 2nd we decided it was time to

stop the feeding and drinking. I think that Guy knew that was where

he was headed as he didn't put up a fight about it. He had been choking

so much on his food and drinks the last two weeks and was eating less

and less. But each time he would try to swallow I could see the fear of

choking in his eyes as he tried to control that which he had no longer any

control over.

It's been a busy last few days, and I know that there will come a point where I will just sit down and breathe. It is then I will surely feel that he is gone. I keep in my mind that he is no longer suffering, no longer in pain, no longer drawn in from his muscles tightening up. I hold on the knowledge and faith that I will see him again one day and that he will be the Guy I knew before this disease took over. He will be walking, talking, and holding my hand. Oh what a glorious day that will be!

Staying strong with Gods hand in mine,


John 14: 1-6

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

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vsm0001 profile image
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26 Replies
abirke profile image

Dear Guy, goodbye brother in neurodegenerative disease. Know that your wife still has friends here to and with whom she can cry and laugh and enlighten others of whatever their new experiences might be.

Valerie What beautiful Bible verses to remember your loved one with. "Do not let your hearts be troubled." He does go and prepare a place for matter when we go, He is still there...amen. Know that Guy went easily because of the love and care you gave him; the confidence and security to go on . Remember that we will be here and that there's gonna be someone out there who is gonna need your help.....I pray that your new ventures in life are full of happiness and joy and an even greater walk with God.....

Many condolences Valerie,


Fear thou not; for I am with thee : be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. Isaiah 41:10

For God hath not appointed us to wrath , but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Who died for us that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. IThessalonians 5:9-10

easterncedar profile image

What a sweet photo. I am sorry for your loss. You must be exhausted. I wish you rest. Love and peace, ec

Trish-dave profile image

So sorry for your loss. Tough fight I know. Not to far away from a loss myself. Only drinking boost no food. Just when I catch up to a phase it changes. Shitty disease but it is what it is. Just have to go with it as it changes whatever that is as the doctor says treat the symptoms. No cure as of yet. Sucks but need to accept and do your best. Keeping my husband at home till he dies as those were his wishes and my choice By the way I have a awesome caregiver who fell out of the sky. So lucky for him so is Dave Tough disease. Maybe one of the worse as so different.

Duffers profile image

So sorry for your sad loss. Guy is at peace now so keep that thought with you in the coming weeks to help you through. God bless you and give you the strength to manage your new life. Marie

showaddy profile image

So sorry to hear about your loss. Be thankful that you had the strength to help him to the last. I wish you peace and acceptance at this sad time and the love of your family and friends around you for the coming days and months to come. With the faith that you and Guy have you will at least have the comfort that one day you will be together again.

Pauline xx

DenB profile image

So very sorry for your loss, Valerie.

I wish peace and love to you and your family

DenB X

millywigg2 profile image

V sad to hear your news.No more suffering for Guy.Stay strong xxx

Heady profile image

Hi Valerie, I am so sorry to hear that Guy has died. May he rest in peace, finally free from this evil disease. Take comfort from his peaceful passing. It does get you through this very painful time. Or should I say numb. There is no rush to do anything, have control of things you need to and let others do the rest.

Sending very big hug and much love.

Lots of love


flicka profile image

Thank you for those wonderful words , yours and John's. God bless you X

Rowan8831 profile image

So sorry but glad he is now at peace. CBD is an awful disease. We are still on that very hard road.

Hope you now have some time to rest and look after yourself. x

Kevin_1 profile image

Our thoughts are with you.

In sadness

Kevin and Liz

Patriciapmr profile image

Dear Valerie,

Your post could have been written by me, I am so sorry for your loss, my darling Keith passed away two weeks ago and I've been completely numb since, the reality of losing him is really hitting me now. His funeral is on Monday and I don't feel I have the strength to deal with it at the moment.

I'm thinking of you Valerie and my heart goes out to you....

Love Pat xx

easterncedar profile image
easterncedar in reply to Patriciapmr

Hang on, Pat. You will get through it, and however you do that is the right way. I know you are surrounded by love even if it is at a distance. We care for you. Peace, Ec

pzagy profile image
pzagy in reply to Patriciapmr

Hi Pat, even though you feel like your heart will burst with pain, this too will pass. Each day you will realize that Keith is in a better place, without pain and with his dignity.

Sending you love and stength



Amilazy profile image

Many condolences for your loss but after a time of grieving you must get your own life back, it will be hard, it is 6 weeks since my wife left us and I am still trying to operate as a single again not easy. Hope he passed over easily and you have many good memories.

Good luck at this time Tim

easterncedar profile image
easterncedar in reply to Amilazy

It all takes time. Breathe. Love, ec

Pentland profile image

Dear Valerie I am so sad to read your post but you appear to have a strong faith which I am sure will see you through the funeral. My husband also has CBD and I hope that I can be as strong as you in the time we have ahead of us. God bless you.

horsegirl profile image

Many of us here know what you were going through right now. It has been not quite two months since I lost my husband, and my legs are finally starting to steady just a bit under me. Family and friends make such a huge difference. Let them bolster you. But, as you know, you have been grieving for a long time already. This next stage of grieving is different. What I was left with was a profound sadness for what my husband suffered through in his last years. I was so busy managing him and his care and my own emotions that it was impossible for me to pull away enough to see things as I see them right now. You will be OK, as we all will be eventually after such a loss. But you will be forever changed, let it be in a good and positive way. May you find peace now. 💕☀🎈

Robbo1 profile image

Sending love and prayers. X

daddyt profile image

So very sorry for your loss. Take a moment to rest and finally breathe again, you have earned it. x

Katiebow profile image

Mixed emotions as to how I feel for you, sad that you have lost the man you loved and pleased for Guy that he no longer has to endure one of these horrible neurological diseases. Having your faith will I'm sure help you to cope and get through your grieving, I don't have that faith but appreciate that it helps people who find themselves in sad and lonely situations.

Thinking of you

Love Kate Xxx

doglington profile image

So sorry to hear of your loss.

Your faith will be a great comfort to you, I know.

Take time to grieve in your own way. Memories of your earlier life will give you strength.

Love from Jean x

41273416a profile image

God bless! Love, Mary B.

ketchupman profile image

Love and prayers to you and your family.


pzagy profile image

Hi Valerie,

I am deeply sorry CBD took Guy from you. The passages you quoted are beautiful. In the end all we have is our faith in God, that faith is what will bring us peace.

You will meet Guy again, the Guy you married, the Guy you fell in love with many years ago.



Marie_14 profile image


I am so sorry for your loss. CBD is horrible as are all these neurodegenerative conditions. My husband is struggling to live. Over 2 weeks of it now. He is living on sips of water. Maybe kinder to not give it any longer? I just don't know. I don't think I am strong enough to do that.

Your verses were beautiful. Thank you and take care of yourself.

Marie x

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