We were visited 12 days ago by nurses from the local hospice. I had asked our doctor if she would ask for B to have some more visits to their day centre. The nurses took lots of notes and asked what respite I had. I don't have any now. They left saying that they would put Bs name on the day centre waiting list and my name on a VIP list. A nurse from Community Health Care came and after taking more notes, told me that I would get five hours respite care each week. I couldn't believe it! I had my first session on Friday and after spending half an hour familiarising the nurse with where things are etc. I went out for the bus, went into town and walked from one end to the other, looking at all the changes and enjoying the fresh air. I even managed to take in a church service in passing. I did pick up a bit of shopping, but not much, as I was determined not to put pressure on myself. I got back with fifteen minutes to spare, due to bus times, but boy, how I appreciated the break, the fresh air and the exercise!
Help at Last!: We were visited 12 days ago... - PSP Association
Help at Last!

Hurray! I'm so glad they came through for you! And isn't it amazing what a difference a little free time and fresh air can make! I'm very happy for you, Robbo. Thanks for sharing the good news!
Well good for you R-1 and to think someone thought of it for you....It seems we hear more about what they don't do it's...nice to hear that they (the medical people) can and do do things like that! I hope that your next 5 hours and all other 5 hours are as enjoyable if not more enjoyable as your first 5 hours! Thats almost a days worth of work! at 20 bucks an hour, you just helped someone earn $100....that was very nice of you hahaha!
congrats again...I am happy for you....
Great news
That's brilliant news. Make the most of every single moment. Even if some of that time is in bed getting some rest. I would regularly get back from my breaks early and go and lie down, until it was time for the Carer to go.
Lots of love
Thanks, Heady, love to you too. X
I am so glad that you were able to have some"me time" and that you enjoyed it. It does help you to be you and not a carer for a few hours. Hope you continue to enjoy your sanity saving breaks. Hugs to you.Teekerxxxx
Makes the world of difference recharges yr battery
Yes it does! However after all the excitement, I had one of my blackout attacks this morning. Luckily, the new carer who came to shower B caught me before I crashed to the floor. He is a big bloke, a biker so my Guardian Angel must have sent him especially, I guess. Now having a Doctor's visit and talk of not being able to drive - boo, hoo ! X