My husband and I traveled to Birmingham, Al about a week ago. They are doing trial studies to help PSP patients. The family is in agreeance with me that we should not sit on the wayside with this disease. Has anyone on here heard of this study: Safety Study of TPI-287 to Treat CBS and PSP (TPI-287-4RT). I would like to know any information at all that you know. Thank you, Mathteach
Research studies for PSP: My husband and I... - PSP Association
Research studies for PSP

Hi Mathteach
There is quite a lot of information on this forum with respect to TPI-287. Just use the search window in the top right hand corner and type in TPI-287. You'll find all the past "posts" on this subject.
Hope this helps.
I would like to know about the same (Safety Study of TPI-287 to Treat CBS and PSP (TPI-287-4RT)).
My mother has been affected with Parkinson PSP and is very ill .
I am from India .
S Roychowdhury
+91 9883225454
Hi Mathteach
If taking part in research is something you are interested in please contact the PSP Helpline on 0300 0110 122 or email them and they will be able to talk you through registering your interest and what research is taking place at the moment.

We are already signed up for the study in Birmingham, AL
There are many studies of PSP going on around the country. My wife participated in a study held at the University of Florida Movement Disorder Clinic for two years. Any study may hold the key to PSP so I encourage you to participate. Jimbo