Harry Thompson 8 May 1940 - 13 July 2014 - PSP Association

PSP Association

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Harry Thompson 8 May 1940 - 13 July 2014

dorothy-thompson profile image
37 Replies

The end was peaceful and calm with his family at his bedside. I am so thankful that he is at last released from this cruel and unforgiving disease. For all of you still in the struggle, I send my love and my shoulder to lean on.

I thank each and everyone of you for the love and support that you have given me over the last few years, I could not have carried on without it.

kindest regards and I will continue on the site.

Dorothy T


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dorothy-thompson profile image
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37 Replies
NannaB profile image

Oh Dorothy, I am so sorry and hope you have peace knowing your dear husband is suffering no longer. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Nanna B

MaddyS profile image

Dear Dorothy

Thankfully the end was peaceful. I am sorry about Harry's passing.

Dorothy look after yourself. I wish you good health for the future.

Love maddy.

ritak profile image

My dear Dorothy,

May god bless his soul and keep you in his Grace. It must be a relief to see his struggle end with this terrible disease.

Take care of yourself,


Dear Dorothy

So sorry to hear that Harry has passed away. His suffering is no longer and he departed peacefully. My condolences to you and your family. God bless.


Kathy profile image

Dear Dorothy,

My deepest condolences on your loss. I am glad the end was peaceful and he was surrounded by those who loved him. You did an amazing job of caring for him. Time to take care of yourself now.



nomansland profile image

Dot....I don,t know what to say,life is terribly hard,love,Rollie and Madeline

suziewong profile image

Sending you all our love and prayers. Hoping it brings you comfort to know that your loved one is now in God's hands and free from pain and discomfort. Take some time out for yourself now and know we are here if you need any support.

Lots of love

Suzie xxx

jillannf6 profile image

hi dorothy

i am so sorry for your loss of your husband but realise what a difficult time you have both had iwh htsi PSP

it is good of you to continue on the site and i hope you are able to adjust to your new life without harry\

it will eb strange for u but i hope you find new interests to keep you going for a good few year s yet

no prayers but i am thinking of you and your family

lol Jill

hugs and xxxx

marytea13 profile image

"Lay this body where u will but remember Harry before the good God'

Thinking of u Dorothy -marytea13

groovychick profile image

I'm so sorry Dorothy. I have read your posts throughout your time on this site. His struggle is finally over and he is at peace. May his soul rest in peace and I wish you courage and strength for the time ahead.

Love and best wishes xxxx

wifemo profile image

Dear Dorothy -

My condolences - Harry was so lucky to have you to look after and care for him. You worked long and hard. Now is your time to look after yourself.

My best wishes to you on your new journey.


quickgel profile image

Dear Dorothy

So sorry to learn of your loss. I fully relate your relief at the release of your husband from this horrible disease, it's difficult to think of any upside to the loss of a loved one but mercifully his suffering is now over.

Kindest regards to you and your family.

easterncedar profile image

Dearest Dorothy, your posts here have been a significant part of my own experience of this disease and this community, and I thank you for sharing here as you have done. You have had an awful ordeal. You and your husband both are now free of this disease, and I hope you can recover, and achieve some of the peace and comfort you deserve. I wish you rest. Love, Easterncedar

LynnO profile image


I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Dear Dorothy,

Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear your sad news, but as you say, with this terrible disease, the only solace we have is the realization that the suffering of our loved one is over. You too, were fortunate that you were able to have the family with you and to be with him at the end.

I have appreciated your contribution to this site so much, please do not leave us. I have found the grieving period and recovery from it all so hard and I want just to say, if you feel like a little 'comfort' chat, I and I am sure all of us on the site are here for you.

Take care,


shasha profile image

Dear Dorothy - I am so sorry that you have lost your husband but you have to try and find yourself now.. you have given so much to him and now it is time for you to think of yourself - please do stay on this site you are so valued -

love and kind good wishes

sharon xxx

dorothy-thompson profile image

Thank you to all my dear friends for your kind words, I have come to expect nothing less from you all.

My family and I are, and always will be, grateful for your support.

kindest regards

dorothy t

CarlaL48 profile image
CarlaL48 in reply to dorothy-thompson

Dearest Dorothy --

My prayers are with you, dear one, during your hours of sorrow. You are one of the strongest women on this site, an inspiration to us all.

Grieve in your own way, at your own pace. And turn to the Lord, even though He sometimes appears to have a deaf ear. He doesn't. We just don't get Him yet.

When I've thought how cruel it was that my own husband was denied all the wonderful "retirement" activities of friends and associates, I remind myself that Dale has now seen "what eye has not" and heard "what ear has not." No round-the-world cruise could be better than that.

And Harry is in that same wonderful realm right now, exploring the streets of Heaven and so very thankful to be free of pain.

God bless you, Dorothy, and when you feel like a trip to the States, my door is open and welcoming.



daparose profile image

Dear Dorothy, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband but I am glad his passing was peaceful and surrounded with love. Take care of yourself now and please stay on the site. Best Wishes to you

Auntiemary profile image

So sorry to hear of your loss, and thinking of you at this time. Remember to look after yourself, having given so much energy away looking after Harry. It will take time to readjust xx

daughter_Julie profile image

So sorry to hear your news Dorothy, I've felt very sad for you and your frustrations over the last couple of years. I'd assumed your husband was further behind my dad symptom wise. It just goes to show how different this illness is for each and every one of us. Sadly my dad is on day 12 of no fluids or food and we are watching him die 24 7. It's very odd to be at the end, a relief but terribly sad, so I know how you feel. All the best. X

jimandsharynp profile image

Dorothy, My heart goes out to you and your family. Harry will be missed by you all but never forgotten. Your caregiving days are not over. Now it is time to do some caregiving to a neglected person, yourself. Having lost my dear Sharyn May 4th I can assure you that with each week (not day) you will get just a light bit better and a very slight release from the grief. It takes time not for the memory of Harry to recede but for the struggle he went through to lessen and the good times you had to take over. I'm still struggling with you Sharyn failed in the final months. That memory haunts me and the tears come. Now, some two months later I'm a bit more able to push the "bad" thoughts out and allow fresh old memories to take their place. It is rough for us both but if you are a survivor like me we know we will make it in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. Bless you! Jimbo

Such sadness to read your news, Dorothy. I have read all your postings over the past year since I joined his site and have so admired your courage, frankness and your devotion to Harry, now thankfully at peace but that must be scant comfort at the moment. Please accept my condolences to you and to your family.

Now you face a new challenge. As they say here in South West France "Bon courage!"


Heady profile image

Dear Dorothy,

I am really sorry to hear that Harry has died. I don't not realise the end was that close for you. I'm glad that his passing was peaceful for him and you and your family.

I'm afraid you are now at the hardest stage of all with this evil disease. Learning to live without Harry. You must now learn how to take care of yourself, ( remember her!) that's the person who looks at you every morning in the mirror. This won't be easy Dorothy, it's possibly been years since you even acknowledged that you exist! But now you really need to take care. It will still be, one day at a time! Try not to think what will happen tomorrow, just get through today. We all become experts at that, but I'm sure that gone out the window again for you. So you must try and regain those thoughts. One day, yes you will again be able to think and plan for tomorrow, but take your time. You have spent many years living and looking after your husband, grieving is a very private and personal thing. Do it YOUR way! Nobody can tell you how to get through this, but people will and can help. Let them, if you can.

Most of all, remember we are all here. Ready to listen! You are not alone.

Lots of love


Billyboy12 profile image

Dorothy, sorry to hear about your husband . Look after yourself . I know I am,! ,in spite of suffering this dread disease . Please keep visiting the site and keep contributing to it you really tell it like it is '!

dorothy-thompson profile image

Hello again to all my dear friends.

Just to say I am well and being very well supported by my wonderful family and friends.

Harry's sudden death was a shock to us all but we are gradually coming to terms with it.

Each day at a time.

Kind regards

Dorothy t

easterncedar profile image

Thinking of you, glad to know you have good support nearby. Love, Easterncedar

JudyJ profile image


You have always had a strong and eloquent presence. You have been such a devoted and loving caretaker. My condolences to you for Harry's passing. You, your family, and Harry will be in my prayers.



denmob profile image

I have read all the replies to your very sad news and support all that has been said. It is good that all the family were together at the end because I am sure the love they felt for Harry would have been felt by him.

I hope that in time the pain you are feeling now will ease so that you can think about the good times you shared together.

My thoughts and very best wishes are with you.

dorothy-thompson profile image

Dear Denbob

Thank you for your thoughts. It is difficult but I have the family and they are very supportive.

Sadly, the journey through PSP can be long but when we came to accept the outcome, we put all our energies into making Harry's life as comfortable and as interesting as we could because that was the kind of man he was.

It was so very peaceful at the end, he just went to sleep and that haunted look was gone.

Kindest regards

Dorothy T

goldcap profile image

Dorothy, I have been off the site for awhile and was not aware of your husband's passing until I read a remark you made. You are the first person on this site that I felt truly understood the issues I was dealing with, with my husband. For the first time I felt so "not alone" anymore. So I want you to know you are not alone now either. We are all still here for you! I am glad he went peacefully. I think when it is time there is peaceful surrender. That is how it was with my Mama and my beautiful,"puppy" who passed last week.

You were and are an incredibly strong woman and always an inspiration to me. I only hope I can continue with the strength and grace that you have always exhibited. I know it is a what am I if not his caregiver time.

You will sort it all out in your own way in due time. Be kind to yourself and allow others to take care of you if they offer to. You don't have to be wonder woman anymore, just Dorothy. (Even if Dorothy is a wonderful woman:). Much love, take care Jgc,

P.S. If you get really bored you can always come over here and take over for me-HA!

jillannf6 profile image

dear dorothy

i have sent a donation to the PSPA in HARRY'S memory.

a little good news the choir in which i sing is having a hymnathon in November to raise funds for the choir and to give to the PSPA

i hope today has been ok with harry's funeral.....

lol JIll

hugs and xxxx to you and the family

AmandaF profile image

Dear Dorothy, so sorry to hear about Harry. Stay strong and take time to restore yourself slowly. Keep in touch - we all need you on this board. Amanda/x.

Peter3 profile image

Dear Dorothy,

I am so sorry not to have written to you sooner but I haven't been looking at this site recently, so I was shocked to see your news this evening. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

It is a release for Harry and yourself from this dreadful condition and whilst you must miss him dreadfully, PSP steals our loved ones all too soon.

My thoughts are with you.

Take care.


dorothy-thompson profile image
dorothy-thompson in reply to Peter3

Dear Peter3

Thank you for your condolences.

Kind regards

Dorothy T

jillannf6 profile image

hi dorothy

how r u today/



dorothy-thompson profile image

Hi Jill

I'm getting there as the saying goes, thanks. I can't believe a month has gone by already since Harry died, it has been a bit of a whirlwind to say the least.

But we have had some wonderful news this morning which would have made him very proud, our eldest grandson has just got a place at Oxford to sudy PPE, we have a collective family smile!

Take care of yourself Jill and kindest regards


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