I was just told by two different doctors that, due to an issue with my testicles and how they've reacted to ADT, there is a good chance (25-50%) I will NEVER recover testosterone after ADT . This was in NO WAY communicated to me before I agreed to have this treatment in addition to radiation. I specifically asked the side effects and was told "hot flashes and tiredness." Had I known that this was a possibility, I would have declined ADT.
My soul literally feels crushed right now. I expected to be able to recover some semblance of sexuality, not to mention the cardiac damage, insulin risks, bone damage, crippling depression, insomnia, etc. How do MAJOR cancer centers get away with not informing patients of this information.
I was starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel but now I just want to jump in front of a subway train (don't worry, I'll wait until December 31 and see if any T returns or not).
If your doctor suggests ADT for you and you're not metastatic, PLEASE think long and hard before agreeing to it.