Are there any groups where gays can discuss their results after having prostate surgery?
Prostate surgery: Are there any groups... - Prostate Cancer A...
Prostate surgery

This one is one of the best. Tell us your story, ask us your questions.
You mean live groups? Where do you live? You can certainly discuss it here. Have you already had the surgery? How did you arrive at that decision?
Lots of people, including myself, have discussed results on here, all the way from people who had a pretty easy time of it afterwards to people who had many difficulties. It's all been here--the successes, the change in sexual functioning, the incontinence in varying degrees from mild, temporary all the way to complete, various pain, etc. As well as the emotional consequences for many people. Nothing out of bounds.
Right here, as others have said. My local support group is mixed straight and gay and we frequently discuss sexual function and it's absence. Also penile implants and rehab.
Where are you located? There are both Prostate Cancer and Gay Prostate Cancer Support Groups in many communities. We have both here in San Diego and they exist in other cities as well. Some allow people from other regions. Do an online search for your area to see what is available. This is a great forum for getting responses to specific questions or concerns. Many, like myself have been through RP. One year post as of 8/21/20.

Discuss your concerns here. We also have a live Zoom group. Direct message me your email and I will hook you up.
I found non-specific gay support group on Facebook that I like a lot. I have done a Zoom support call through MaleCare as well, all gay men.
PCRI (dot) org has online events coming up too. I love their videos as well. They even have a Patient Conference (free) coming up in September you can sign up for.