Just wondering what I am doing wrong. I am reading posts from men with aggressive metastatic prostate cancer that have survived for 17 plus years. I cant seem to experience one lengthy remission. I've been to Dana Farber and Sloan in NYC and have been through chemo...radiation...hormone deprivation and nothing stops it. PSA will drop but not for long. It seems as though patients of Dr.Snuffy Myers are all living. Ive had no success with ED either and the doc spared one nerve during robotic prostatectomy. So...what am I missing?
Treatment Failure: Just wondering what... - Prostate Cancer A...
Treatment Failure

It can only produce anxiety to compare yourself to others. Every cancer is different. It sounds like you have a very virulent subtype.
Treatments have kept it confined to pelvis for 4 yrs, but spot appeared in lung that doc is watching and it has moved to right side of pelvis now. When do you decide to just throw in the towel? Really isn't anything left now except for chemo and I'm not so sure I want to go thru that again for the 3 months i get post treatment.
Orchiectomy or lifelong ADT will slow it down. There are some promising trials of radiopharmaceuticals (e.g., Ac-225-PSMA or Lu-177-psma).
I am on Lupron. Have been since beginning. Med onc states that the other ADT drugs (I was on zytiga and xtandi) will no longer benefit me. If I've done Xofigo and it didnt work...do you think the ones you mentioned might? I've also read where prolactin deprivation might be and option.
Xofigo only works on bone mets, where there is active overgrowth - are your bone mets blastic or lytic? If lytic, your mets should be biopsied. The other radiopharmaceuticals will work on soft tissue mets also.
Not sure. They were biopsied to test for BRCA mutation. The way they were described it sounds like there blastic.
At this juncture a strong support system is critical. Lean on me and the other men here who are wise insightful and compassionate.
My heart hurts for your pain Bill. Your strength is amazing.
Thx Jackie. Not as emotionally strong as a was a few yrs back
It takes its toll on your mind , body and soul Bill You're still searching and fighting to live..... which makes you tough as nails. You may not feel like it but you're so brave and courageous..... look at all you've gone through. All of you... is going through a horrific war... each and every day. I wish, hope and pray for something to help you asap. Sending you all my good wishes, good vibes, good juju, prayers out to the universe, love and my prayers precious Bill.
Most sincere,
We're in the same boat pretty much...I've just finished Provenge and started Xtandi at same time.....hoping this (finally) gives some remission time in years...not just months. Good luck, I'm following you and hoping for the best for us both.
Hi Bill, I just want to encourage you to hang in there. I am worried about experiencing the same issues although my surgery was recent. One thing for sure is that you are doing NOTHING wrong. Everyone's body heals differently, and it seems you are doing all the necessary steps towards your recovery. Hang in there, buddy.