I’m wondering if others are having the same difficulty that I am. I had IMRT and HDR Brachytherapy 4 years ago along with 12 months ADT. About a year and a half ago I started testosterone replacement therapy since it wasn’t coming back on its own. PSA is remaining undetectable so all is good there. Erections are working pretty good with sildenafil and cialis but the issue is sensitivity. Most times I cannot achieve orgasm because of insensitivity during intercourse. I’m wondering if others are having that same issue and if they have come up with a solution to increase feeling.
Penis sensitivity after ADT and radia... - Prostate Cancer N...
Penis sensitivity after ADT and radiation.

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Not sure if you are aware that radiation causes “dry” orgasms with no semen. Just a SE of having radiation to the prostrate.
Unfortunately, you did not state how things were prior to your 3 treatments. I'll assume things were as desired . . . Anyway, I had started to lose penile sensation months prior to my single treatment mode (28 days of radiation). Urologist never addressed why but now I believe it could've been related to my prostate enlarging and diminishing blood flow/circulation - it could also have been impinging nerves.
Of course, my erectile function has further diminished since radiation. Now it takes about 25 mg of Cialis to do the trick, however I do notice that my mental state has a good deal to do with whether or not I have orgasm - if I believe/know that my wife is excited then I am much more likely to reach orgasm despite lesser nerve sensation - so the mind/imagination also plays a role (certainly, we all need to avoid preoccupation with non-performance) . . .
I suggest asking your doc about the benefit of 5 mg Cialis daily to improve circulation down there and consider nerve repair diet supplements for 6 months or so. Perhaps, if it's a nerve impingement, sensation will not return until and if the prostate shrinks. I should also mention that I have started to use a penile vacuum pump twice a day just to give it a little workout/stretch and blood inflow. Used wisely it can only help matters.
I also have penis gland insensitivity. Not completely, however, I am only two years post prostate radiation and ADT so it will likely get worse for me. What I’ve done about it is to double my sildenafil dosage compared to what I used to take before sex (from 50mg to 100mg). I also do not use my VED (Bathmate) anytime near sex time because it seems to exacerbate insensitivity. This penis gland insensitivity from prostate radiation therapy is a common side effect.
You say “insensitivity” is the only problem you’re experiencing sexually. Where is the sensitivity? On your glans? Or, your inner foreskin, if you’re not circumcised? My Urologist has told me most cases of insensitivity in older men are due to the “keratinization” of the glans, as well as the shaft, right below the glans, but above the scar, as a result of circumcision. Hopefully, those in the know can comment on whether this could be a factor.