89 year old male Which has less side effects. I suffered significant joint pain in knees with bicalumatide and would appreciate advice. Doctor suggested Lupron but I like the Orgovyx pill approach because you can always stop the pill if the side effects are bad.
ORGOVYX vs LUPRON: 89 year old male... - Prostate Cancer N...

Everybody says Orgovyx is easier on you and at 89 seems like that would be the best idea. In fact, I am sure some medical practioners question using ADT at all at almost 90. It can have some heart issues. But it is true people, once they get to a certain age, are living longer and nobody wants to go out with PCa. Maybe if you give some more details on your diagnosis, and overall heart health, TallAllen can give you some odds on the best alternative. Even whack-a-mole radiation sounds like a decent idea at 90, assuming you are metastatic. If not metastatic, I think it's a serious question whether it is beneficial, in an overall sense, to use it all.
I currently take Orgovyx for ADT, and am doing 5-session SBRT. I also use estradiol gel to counteract the bad side effects of ADT.
If you decide to do Lupron or Orgovyx, you may want to consider adding low-dose transdermal estradiol supplements (patches or gels), to counteract the hot flashes and osteoporosis caused by Lupron or Orgovyx. You can start with one, large (0.1 mg E2/24 hr) estradiol patch, changed twice a week. Your side effects should be significantly reduced. The E2 dose can be easily increased, if not.
Bob in New Mexico
For most guys, the side effects are pretty much the same - caused by low testosterone in either case. The downside to Orgovyx is that if you miss even one day of taking a pill, your testosterone starts to come back.
Thanks for your thoughts on Orgovyx. I agree with your comment about missing a dose. On the other side - if Orgovyx develops bad side effects ( which hopefully it does NOT ), I can stop it IMMEDIATELY ! If I get a Lupron shot and have bad side effects I have to live with the side effects until they eventually go away. Is my thinking correct regarding the Orgovyx pill vs the Lupron shot ? Your thoughts Thanks Bacalumatide
What kind of side effect would make you want to stop it immediately?
Destruction of body strength, fatigue, muscle/joint pain, possible memory failure, blurry vision and VERY SLOW testosterone return
If your PSA is less than 0.05 you may try lowering gradually the Bicalutamide dosage.
The heterogeneous nature of our biometrics dictate that we are all individual and experience things but for ourselves!
Meaning, YOU won't know, until you try!
But as noted, the one advantage of the "Pill" form of ADT is if the side effects are unbearable, stopping them will have a more immediate return (of testosterone) to normalcy. Convenience of the "Shot" is not having to remember to take pills, refill prescriptions, etc.
Good Luck!
I was on Lupron for 2 years, 1 year vacation then on Orgovyx starting 2 months ago. I have less side effects now! For me no hot flashes! On Lupron I thought I was post menopausal! Yes, Libido is gone, but not missed, same as Lupron. I’m not sure if I’m suffering from lethargy as bad as Lupron as I’m now playing daily pickleball! I’m wondering if both halt male pattern baldness equally well?
There DOES seem to be some consensus that Orgovyx has more tolerable SEs, but it's hard to understand how that's possible, given that the SEs derive from low T, not the drug itself.
I agree with those who question the use of ADT for a guy your age. I would want to be assured that there is a significant gain in cancer-free and overall survival.
If you're going forward with ADT, Orgovyx offers the advantage of rapid T recovery when/if you quit. But again, at your age, it's a big ask to hope your testicles will spring back into action if you quit.
IMO, daily drug dozing provides better control on quantity uniformity compared to multi-monthly injected depot. Consequently, the former resorts to lesser drug quantity for equivalent results.
Geez you got me by two years (another war baby) .......... I've been on Lupron for many years and the side effects for me have been negligible
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Medical Oncologist is giving Lupron shots in one month doses for me initially since there was worry about side effects. The idea is that there would be less than a month (instead of 3 or 6) to make a change if needed. Minimal issues so far.