Which has worse side effects : Bacalumatide or Lupron ?
ADT side effects: Which has worse side... - Prostate Cancer N...
ADT side effects

Not comparable. Lupron is WAY higher in the side effects domain.
The main side effect for bicalutamide is gynecomastia. Lupron works much better.
I chose one year of bicalutamide over Lupron (done for added insurance). I had prophylactic RT to offset gynecomastia. Since my breasts did indeed grow a noticeable size or two, not sure if it help a lot, a little, or not at all. I declined tamoxifen.
Well, maybe the other side effects were minor to other's thinking, but bicalutamide indeed crushed my energy - but then I am very active all day. It also added weight, messed with my emotions and reduced my muscle mass.
I have tried Bicalutamide, Lupron and Orgovyx. None of them increased my breasts in any way.
Bicalumatide was fine at 25mg but it was killing me at 100mg. I appear to be a rare case that could not tolerate that drug at all.
Lupron gave me the usual ADT side-effects (hot flashes, brain fog, fatigue, depression, etc...)
Orgovyx gives me some brain fog and some fatigue but less than on Lupron.
They work by different mechanisms, so side effects will likely be far different. Lupron suppresses testosterone production and bicalutamide blocks testosterone from binding to T receptors.
But the main thing to take away is that every individual patient's body will react differently in the side effects realm, so what one man experiences, another may not Yer makes yer choices and ...
Why Lupron? Orgovyx works faster and does not have the testosterone surge of Lupron. Only approved by the FDA a couple years ago, I had to ask my oncologist specifically for it (they wanted to use Lupron) and it took a day for them to do their research and approve my request. But they did. It probably helped that the VA was footing the bill and my State's VA had already decided Orgovyx (relugolix) was their ADT agent of choice, so there was no insurance company to argue with.
Of course, I am a maverick from Alaska and have done a LOT of research and decided the side effect profile of trans-dermal estradiol (TDE) has a far superior profile of side effects than Lupron (as demonstrated by the U.K.'s PATCH study) with similar safety and efficacy (demonstrated in PATCH and VACURG studies among others). But you did not ask that question. I will just say that TDE, in every parameter where there is a difference (except two which are 1- cosmetic; breast growth and 2- transient; breast pain/sensitivity) that difference favors TDE over Lupron. But TDE is not FDA approved...yet.
Bicalutamide was a stroll in the park compared to Lupron.
I have had few side effects from Lupron, just low libido and achy muscles (doing a lot of weights work). Lupron is supposed to be a lot more effective than bicalutamide which I would have thought would be the major factor.
I now take both meds which has helped lower PSA. It’s been a challenge this summer with increased hot flashes and sweats. Wish I could lose the 10 lb weight gain. I still go to gym 2-3 per week for an hour.
I currently take Orgovyx for ADT, and am doing 5-session SBRT. I also use estradiol gel to counteract the bad side effects of ADT.
If you decide to do Lupron or Orgovyx, you may want to consider adding low-dose transdermal estradiol supplements (patches or gels), to counteract the hot flashes and osteoporosis caused by Lupron or Orgovyx. You can start with one, large (0.1 mg E2/24 hr) estradiol patch, changed twice a week. Your side effects should be significantly reduced. The E2 dose can be easily increased, if not.
Bob in New Mexico
Well I had no side effects from 12 months Lupron except total loss of Libido. 77 yo recurrent PC after radiation.
I'm on Lupron and I can't imagine another drug could possibly be more awful than this. When it wears off I'm stopping. There is no life while on Lupron.