I've read many threads on here discussing the side effects of ADT. In each thread there seem to be comments from men who suffer devastating side effects and those who suffer very few. My question is has there been any research (biological and/ or psychological) done to try to predict how ADT might affect certain individuals .
Effects of ADT: I've read many threads... - Prostate Cancer N...
Effects of ADT

Not that I'm aware of. How can anyone predict how much or how little suffering he would feel? It's easier to just try it and see.
Everyone responds differently to medications. You always have the option to stop a medication and go to something else.
Those who exercise, especially weight bearing, are predominantly the ones who have the least side effects.
Exercise helps to avoid insulin resistance, fat gain, fatigue, cognitive impairment, muscle loss, control blood pressure, protect the heart, mitigate hot flashes and more.
Some who exercise vigorously and regularly suffer major side effects anyway, and some who are sedentary get by pretty well. These are the vast minority, and the less active are still at a supreme disadvantage.
Cardiovascular and strength training exercise is so important for overall health. What is known is that it is the best tool by far for combating ADT sude effects. There are many studies that bear this out.
In my opinion, this makes the inability to reliably predict ADT tolerance upfront across the population almost irrelevant.
Following up on what London441 said, I upped my cardio and weight training during and since my ADT, and I mostly felt okay, but I had and still have (over a month after ending my ADT) frequent hot flashes. Hoping they'll end before too long. The cardio and weight training is its own reward too, I find.
I'm on Firmagon for life. I have hot flashes throughout the day. I carry a small wash rag to wipe my face and a small pocket fan to help me cool off. I have small hand-held fans throughout my house and in my car. They help tremendously. You can get all this stuff on Amazon. I feel fatigued most of the time. Hot flashes and fatigue are just part of the deal. I force myself to exercise, eat pretty smart and do more strenuous activities like yard work a little bit at a time instead of all at once. I take breaks, sit on the porch and drink water until I get up another "head of steam." I ride my electric bike almost every day. I a retired PGA Tour player. I play golf three times a week. I have a powerful fan that mounts on the cart and plugs into the USB port. You can get one on Amazon. I moved up to the front tees and can still break par. My buddies moved up with me and they enjoy the game much more. Golf is more fun when you can hit all the clubs in the bag (not just woods) and reach the greens in regulation. So that's my best advice. Make the best of the situation you're in. The medication works, even if it causes some inconvenience. By the way, change your name to "oneputt!"
I exercised throughout my 24-month course of ADT and experienced just about every side effect imaginable, but I'm still convinced that the exercise helped me tolerate the regime, mentally as well as physically. It also gave me a focus that distracted from the daily worry that can accompany this disease. The main thing is that you will get through it. Try not to count the months. Just roll with it, exercise daily, do things you enjoy, and you'll come out the other end.
There are remedies for most of the SEs, weight training being first among them. I wouldn't worry about it.
If I had this to do again, I would line up a psychiatrist in advance, in case I got hit with depression and needed an antidepressant. I'm guessing that perhaps 25% of ADT patients experience this, some severely.
From what I've read - if you had already been exercising and were pretty fit - the less of an issue. Add weight training and you're good to go.
9 months of Lupron - was very active- climber/skier/biker. I added a trainer for weights and lift another day on my own. Some hot flashes - really, not bad. But very low libido, which seems unavoidable. Has not stopped be from doing anything - well, except that sex thing.
Two effects that I can attribute to ADT. Gynecomastia -- no argument there. Peyronies too, although I suppose ADT as the cause could be debated. Neither one fun, especially as the first one could have been prevented by a prescription the urologist didn't offer and didn't bother to explain. And of course the Peyronies didn't show up until the six month ADT injection wore off. 😁
There's tons of research that has been done on the side effects of ADT, but to individualize it would be extremely difficult. What criteria would you even begin to use? Age? Weight? Physical condition? Marital status? IQ? Zodiac sign? Makes no sense I'm afraid. There are way too many variables involved when the human body is at issue.
Physical condition is the dominant one without question. As these replies indicate being fit, strong and reasonably lean doesn’t guarantee freedom from side effects, but it vastly improves your odds of tolerating them well.
More importantly it counters the dangerous aging acceleration that ADT is proven to cause.