2/2023, MRI showed 1 large (2.4cm) lesion pirads 5. Gleason 6 in 8 of 12 systemic cores and 4 of 4 targeted cores.
10/2023 Repeat MRI-Biopsy: MRI showed lesion #1 same as previous. Also new lesion #2 0.8mm pirads 4-5. Biopsy with bilateral gleason 3+4 in 5 of 12 systemic cores, 1 of these gleason 6 (5% of core), 4 of these cores gleason 7 3+4. 20/20/20/60% of the cores, all having 5% pattern 4. Lesion 1 targeted cores 4 of 6 gleason 7 3+4, 60/70/80/90% of cores, all 5% pattern 4. Lesion #2, 2 of 2 cores atypical cells, no gleason score.
Other info: Decipher 0.18. PSA steady 6. Second opinion about biopsy slides from JH in process.
So is this progression of cancer, or difference in sampling? On one hand everything I read/am told is that gleason 6 is very slow growing, does not escape prostate, etc… so that would suggest sampling differences. On the other hand, it seems unlikely that all 10 positives from the initial biopsy just happened to land in g6 areas, then 8 of 9 positives 10 months later landed in g7 areas, plus there is the new (smaller, biopsy negative) lesion on the MRI.
Dr. says could be either. Maybe it does not matter, but if I knew it would factor into the decision how to proceed.