I canceled my RP after some of you gently suggested that I get a second opinion from an RO. I will now be treated by Dr. Biagioli at the SMH Radiation Oncology Center here in Sarasota, FL. But I also had a long Zoom consultation with Dr. Pow-Sang, Chair of Uro/Gyn at the highly regarded Moffitt Center in Tampa. Despite being a surgeon himself, Pow-Sang agreed that RT is my better option. Reviewing my records, he wanted me to delay treatment until his best "readers" look at my scan images, which were all negative for metastatic disease. In addition, he sent off tissue samples from my biopsy to get a Decipher test. His hunch is that despite my "mild EPE" (per MRI) and my Gleason 3+4, my Decipher number will be low enough to warrant RT without hormones. He sees no harm in the delay, even though it could be 6 weeks from now before the Decipher test comes back. Dr. Biagioli is on board with this delay. He knows Pow-Sang, and he’s happy to have a conversation with him about my treatment. Meanwhile, he ordered another PSA, which had risen from 3.1 to 4.1 to 4.99. The new number (early February) was 5.27. He was unconcerned about this upward blip. Any thoughts about this? And do you see any downside if I were to start RT without any prior or concurrent hormones in advance of what the Decipher test will show?
Another question concerns my urination—no leakage or pain, but a lot of stopping and starting, and the stream is often quite weak (the MRI showed “mild BPH”). RO was hoping to get my stream flowing better with alpha blockers before I start radiation, especially if it turns out that hormones are indicated. First I took Tamsulosin but I stopped when it gave me bad eye irritation. Then he put me on Doxazosin, but the first 4mg dose gave me heart palpitations, dizziness, and I nearly fainted, so I quit that. He then prescribed alfuzosin, but I was afraid to take it because of some similarities to Doxazosin. What to do? Doxazosin apparently comes in a 1mg. dosage. Does it make sense to try that, maybe just before bedtime instead of after dinner, and see if I can gradually build it up to 4mg? Are there drawbacks to doing radiation when your stream is already kind of weak? In light of these issues, RO is thinking of the longer RT road—40 or 50 lower-intensity beams instead of much fewer but very high-intensity beams. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.