My PSA seems to be definitely on the move, latest is 0.11 up from 0.085 taken 3 months ago, full history is in my profile. I am sure SRT is now on the cards. There seems to be much to consider about dose (64-70Gy), target area (prostate bed with or without lymph nodes) and short term ADT, which is summarised in this recent paper I saw on here
Any thoughts would be welcome, I already have some adverse irritation in lower urethra so am adverse to more side effects, but needto balance with best outcome. I would probably want to therefore have a lower dose (64-66Gy?) to the prostate bed, plus something to lymph nodes and possibly short term ADT.
I am in UK so would need to get what I can from NHS treatment wise, and have a phone appointment (probably with the PCa nurse) in a couple of days.
Also there is the PSMA scan, which I think I may be able to get from NHS, is there any sense delaying until something shows?
I am happy to seek a private consultation to get a second opinion on treatment, if anyone has a recommendation?
Many thanks for any thoughts, I have found HealthUnlocked a very useful source of info - and best wishes to all.