I will give you the facts as I know them and who recommends each therapy:
1. I live near UCLA so convenience is not a factor ,however 20 IMRT treatments is more than 5 SBRT Treatments.
2. Dr. Howard Sandler, (Cedars -Sinai) -RO, Dr. Rana McKAY -UCSD -MO , Dr. Mark Botnick -(Cedars Sinai) -RO , Dr. Tim Wilson UROLOGIST (St. Johns) , All emphatically recommend IMRT , with no Spaceoar ( to make sure my EPE is covered) , and with 4 month's of ORGOVXY .
Their main premise is that IMRT has the longer term DATA re: "BCFR" (failure rate) and for the time being holds up better. Also less probable toxicity.
3 Dr. Mark Sholz -PO and Dr. Daniel Shasha - MSK-RO- recommend SBRT. They both think that both IMRT and SBRT are basically the same if given by a "Center of Excellence" and are not concerned with the data but rather "why waste the time & effort " and "get this behind you"
4. I have researched the "Biochemical failure rate " and for 5 years both treatments are in the 80-90% percentile. Only IMRT has data for 10 years at 80 % or so. Both have basically same toxicity rate. ( this may not be exactly right as my head is "full")
5. Have defibrillator so will be getting "old" CT protocol. with IMRT 15 minutes w "comfortably "full bladder , (don't think you need a fleet enema for each of the 20 treatments). With SBRT a bit more complicated , 45 minutes -hour being "still ' w full bladder.
Tall-Allen please weigh in here... Need as much input as possible as soon as possible. Thank you all. All responses welcome and encouraged.
68- Gleason 7 ( 4+3) , EPE indicated in left posterior, PSMA Pet ( all lesions in capsule -bilateral) .