My husband had high levels of PSA in his blood when he had a medical review, and had a bone scan and MRI scan which showed up his gland was abnormal, and he's now waiting on a biopsy. He was diagnosed 5 year's ago with CLL and been in remission for nearly 4 years, and currently taking ibruvinib.
Husband waiting on biopsy: My husband... - Prostate Cancer N...
Husband waiting on biopsy

BayfieldAnnette WROTE --- " My husband had high levels of PSA in his blood when he had a medical review, and had a bone scan and MRI scan which showed up his gland was abnormal... "
An *abnormal gland* on the MRI DOES NOT necessarily indicate PCa. Be prepared for the possibility of PCa so in the mean time do some research and then more research. Good Luck and keep us posted.
Wait and see...
Thank you just going to wait and see, because that's what we had to do 5 year's ago when my husband had to have loads of tests when he got diagnosed with a low grade leukemia.
If the news is not the best, take a breath, do not do anything in haste and please come back here. There are lots of folks here willing to share their experiences. As you know, research helps reduce the fear and anxiety.Hoping for the best.
My husband had his prostate removed by simple prostatectomy in 2014. He had salvage surgery in 2017 followed by 2.5 years of ADT and 39 RT in 2019. He was diagnosed with CLL in March of 2020 that was determined to have been caused by radioactive scans (5 of the sensitive scans - and not counting bone scans, etc.) and the 39 RT - according to his MO and two CLL specialists in FL. His CLL came on fast after the 39 RT and was aggressive. He will not ever reach MRD or in achieve remission according to the two CLL specialists. I sincerely hope that the biopsy is negative.
Thank you my husband has low grade CLL, and 3 year's ago they found a lymph node near his adrenal gland which after tests came back benign. Keeping fingers crossed that this biopsy comes back negative. Sorry to here about your husband CLL being aggressive.