Following my second biopsy just before Christmas, the preliminary results just after, Gleason 6 (3+3) before, now G7 (3+4), 4 cores all positive at target site, one was 11mm of cancer and finally, the pathologist found 'ductal cancer' and this meant they suggested some form of treatment - either RP or Radiotherapy. I don't know much about this Ductal Cancer and looking online the prognosis is not good. I am only 53. I am being schedule for a RP using the DaVinci Robtic method for end of February but probably sooner. I feel a little lost, but not freaking out! Maybe I should. I am not sure I understand it well enough to freak out. I do know there will be advice following this posting and I welcome that. A clear, level headed informed position is where I need to get to but I am not there yet!! Thanks for reading this.
Should I be freaking out???!! - Prostate Cancer N...
Should I be freaking out???!!

1. Get confirmation of ductal from Epstein. I lesser pathologist might confuse it with IDC-P, which, with GS 3+4 does not add appreciably to risk:
2. If confirmed, talk to a specialist in brachy boost therapy, which is more curative than surgery.
Follow Tall_Allens advice. I think for you being low GS7 3+4 you have time to really understand the pros/cons of your choices.
I was GS9 so I wanted it out and a small shot at avoiding Radiation. Unfortunately I was not in the cards and I ended up having to get Radiation and I'm on Eligard, Zytiga wt prednisone. You can read my bio for details but I was 53 when I was diagnosed.
Agree with Tall Allen.
Be sure of your choice of treatment. I chose IMRT and bracy boost. Glad I did.
Hi Chuck, What did you end up doing? I'm in a similar stituation and my urologist is advocating for removal being the best option, I'm at a bit of a loss but I know I can't wait forever.
I had surgery .....i know there is a lot of advice on here but you really have to weight up the pro's and con's of all the treatments available and what you think is best for you. For me I was content with surgery. I was unhappy about the fact that if RT does not work then salvage RP was the only option and the side effects of that particular option frightened me. So I had one of the best surgeons in Europe (I had to pay privately), also a pathologist taking samples as the prostate was removed to ensure they got everything (something I now find out is rare). Following surgery I thought I had been hit by a truck but 5-6 days later I was a little more normal. The Catheter is not a nice experience but you do get used to it and you are relieved when it is out!! After that my bladder control was almost normal, a few dashes to the toilet but no accidents and no pads required. Erections returned from day one. Penis shrinkage initially but now I am 4 months in I am back to normal!! Mentally I am in a good place, I am glad the gland has gone and taken the cancer with it. My PSA has dropped to undetectable levels and I am looking forward to the next 30+ years.......I hope I was of help!! Each of us has a journey to take, forums like this are great but only you can decide what is best for you. Go with your gut feeling!