OK finally getting my biopsy results up.
Prostate, left lateral base, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic adenocarcinoma, WHO Grade Group 1 (Gleason Score 3+3=6), involving one needle core and approximately 12% of the tissue submitted.
B. Prostate, left mid lateral, needle core biopsy:
Benign prostatic tissue.
C. Prostate, left apex lateral, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic adenocarcinoma, WHO Grade Group 2 (Gleason Score 3+4=7), involving one needle core and approximately 5% of the tissue submitted.
D. Prostate, left base medial, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic tissue with rare atypical glands consistent with high-grade PIN (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia).
E. Prostate, left mid medial, needle core biopsy:
Benign prostatic tissue.
F. Prostate, left apex medial, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic tissue with rare atypical glands.
G. Prostate, right base lateral, needle core biopsy:
Benign prostatic tissue.
H. Prostate, right mid lateral, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic adenocarcinoma, WHO Grade Group 3 (Gleason Score 4+3=7), involving one needle core and approximately 17% of the tissue submitted.
I. Prostate, right apex lateral, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic adenocarcinoma, WHO Grade Group 4 (Gleason Score 4+4=8), involving one needle core and approximately 30% of the tissue submitted.
J. Prostate, right base medial, needle core biopsy:
Benign prostatic tissue.
K. Prostate, right mid medial, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic adenocarcinoma, WHO Grade Group 3 (Gleason Score 4+3=7), involving one needle core and approximately 40% of the tissue submitted.
L. Prostate, right apex medial, needle core biopsy:
Prostatic adenocarcinoma, WHO Grade Group 2 (Gleason Score 3+4=7), involving one needle core and approximately 8% of the tissue submitted.