Hi everyone. This is my first post here. I just wanted to check in, say hello, and ask a couple of questions.
A little background about myself. I was diagnosed with PC in March of 2018 at 46 yrs. old, I had a RP (DaVinci) in June of 2018. Based on all reports thus far, I'm doing very well! I can perhaps give more details in another posting, but for now just wondering about a few things.
I have a couple of questions regarding the bladder and incontinence. I should say that I don't regularly wear pads, actually I had stopped altogether, but recently just started wearing them occasionally if I am out for a long day, or just for extra protection. Also, the erections, although not completely back, are returning. I am very thankful for all of this.
However, these are my concerns/questions right now.
1.) About three times now, over two/three months ( I know it's still early) , and always while I'm sleep, I have awakened in the morning to find out that I basically wet myself at some point during the night. Most of the time I am alerted that I have to go and I wake up but these three times I didn't.
2.) Within the last month, I'm usually going an avg. of two times overnight or early morning. Sometimes, recently this has been accompanied by some pain in the bladder area. Is that normal after a RP?
3.) Also, and maybe a little weird, and please excuse the descriptive nature, but if I sit on the toilet to use the restroom, after the main full stream of urine, there is an intermittent stream of urine that will keep coming out for a while if I sit there long enough. Generally once I stand it stops.
So, just wondering if anyone has had any of these experiences, and I'm particularly concerned about the three times when I was sleep because they are so random. I will say that it seemed to be times when maybe I was really tired or something. The doctor mentioned that it could be a sign of sleep apnea, and of course they also want me to come in to have a urinalysis to rule out infection, and then from my own reading some say it could even be an early sign of diabetes.
So, I'm going to have all the tests done, but again just curious if anyone has experienced any of this.
Do you think kegels can still help with any of this?
Thanks guys for any help or thoughts you have.