Over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Gleason of 3 + 3. Have been on active surveillance and have PSA tested every 3 months. My PSA levels range around 5 - 6 with a high 6 months ago at 6.99. My latest PSA came back at less than .1 which is my lowest score ever. Has a miracle happened? What should I make of this?
Good News?: Over 2 years ago I was... - Prostate Cancer N...
Good News?

Get another test to confirm.
Yes, another test to confirm!
Even a normal prostate will give you PSA levels higher than 0.1 .
. . . I'd repeat the test.
. Charles

As others indicated, this is really an impossible result. It sounds like your PSA sample got mixed up with someone else's at the lab. Hopefully, that fellow, with a <0.1 PSA didn't get your result - which would scare the hell out of him.
Thanks everyone for your comments. More to come after discussing with Doc.
Had another PSA....5.41. Lower then my previous test but definitely higher and more believable then the the one done last Friday.
Get a biopsy
He had at least one biopsy, he's reporting Gleason scores.
And he's on active surveillance. I have a similiar history and I'm biopsied every 2 years.
I lasted 6 years on watchful waiting. My PSA stayed around 4 to 5 but my byopsy results got to 4/4 and below . I then had brachi, radiation and 6 months of hormones. Doing well now.
Congratulations on your "miracle "! I have been on Active Surveillance since Dec06 diagnosis with Gleason 6 (3+3) when it was 2 of 12 cores at 10% or less with PSA of 4.2. My PSA in Feb17 was 0.8. Studies have shown Exercise benefits seemingly curing low-grade non-aggressive Indolent disease!
Sorry for these multiple posts. I thought I was responding in different threads. If you have Gleason 6 PcA and are considering Active Surveillance give me a ring at JSimmsfun@yahoo.com