Hi everyone
After having my prostate removed on the 29th March 16, my urologist referred me to an oncologist for a clinical trial as I'm in a slightly higher rish of the cancer returning my Gleeson score was 4+3 my PSA 7.5.
After the operation the urologist said they got all of the cancer but as it was ready to break through the prostate wall they was not sure if some tiny amount eacaped or not so they have suggested a clinical trial where 50% of us will have radiotherapy and 50% will not these are people who have just had their prostate removed and are in the slightly higher risk of having it come back.
So i go for this hoping it kills off any cancer cells if there are infact any remaining or do i say no and hope the cancer never returns, with this trial there is no guarantees and the cancer may still return anyway.
Do i put myself through Radiotherapy anyway or do i sit back and just hope it never returns, i know the decision is mine but i just wouldn't mind others opinions, my wife is a bit freaked out as to why i would go ahead but i think she is not thinking long term enough.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks