She asked about my last period and i said it was unusually light ect, so she suggested i go for a scan on Monday. I feel as though if im wrong she will be annoyed. Any advice
Saw my first midwife ans she said i m... - Pregnancy and Par...
Saw my first midwife ans she said i might be between 9 weeks and 13 weeks. Im unsure on what to think

Don't worry it's not her place to feel anything, just give you advice! Good luck with your Scan
Firstly congratulations !!! Dont feel like that cos i guess your midwife is use to this.mine told me she can never be 100% sure so the first scan at 12 weeks give due date.and tbh i didnt know when exactly was my last period as that was first time when i didnt mark it in my calendar.i had a scan at 7 and 8 weeks and it showed the same dont worry xx
I agree with the other ladies, remember that pregnant ladies all come in a range of sizes, so when they feel you there will always be a scale of time that you could be. I am an older lady and measured monitored and chrted every month, so I know my exact dates. Even when I went for my scan, the sonographer said I was between 10w5 and 12w 2 days. Good luck with the scan, I thought it was amazing to see and so exciting!
Thanks to u all for the help.
LMP doesn't really matter as not every woman ovulates at the same time so conception might not be exactly 2 weeks after your last period (assuming 28 day cycle). All babies grow at the same rate in the first tri so the dating scan will give you an accurate due date (though it doesn't really matter either cos baby will come when it's ready!!)