my last period was 11th october, there are 42 days apart,
i had a scan on the 5th to see if there was any reasons why they were 42 days apart and i was told my ovaries were fine! the sonographer kept asking when my last period was, whch made me think she could see an egg :L
when i looked on the ovulation calander it said i was most fertile between the 5th and 10th november!
i had a lot of unprotected sex between these days and a couple before the 5th
So i missed my period on the 22nd november,
a couple days before i had some sharpish pains like the ones i have when i am due on, so thought i would of come on, but i dint!
The day i was due on my period i only had discharge that was kindaa stringy! and ever since the day i was supposed to bleed, when ever i eat it comes right throu me but that has stopped now, and also had headaches on and off. but that has gone to the side a bit. 2 days ago i woke up with really bad heart burn which carried on during the day and been feeling sick all day on and off for the past 2 days!! I am also constantly burping, which i never do!!
Last night i went to lay down, but it felt as if there was a bruise there, but there wasnt, and now all day today my stomach feels as if it is all bruised and strained, which it isnt, and when i shout its aches!
is this a sign i coul dbe pregnant?
Thankyouu xx