So my last period was a bit all over the place due to stopping the pill I spotted for a week then on the 23rd of April had one day of heavy then back to spotting for a gd few days I ovulated on the 10th of May last week got the symptoms and a positive opk when will I be due to have a period? From what iv read it should be 24/25th of May , I’ve taken pregnancy tests but nothing really on them except faintest line that doesn’t have colour from what I can see is it too early to test I’m so confused
Ovulation : So my last period was a bit... - Pregnancy and Par...

Hi I’m due af on the 24/25 too testing is abit early I’d just wait til af and not waste tests even testing the day before can still get a negative.
It’s so hard not to test feel like I’m going crazy buying so many tests 🙈
You can drive yourself nuts especially if your expecting to get pregnant straight away. I did with my first 2 but this time it’s been so different. Took 5 cycles then mc now onto 6 more. It can get so emotional just try to chill and wait til af it will save u money too. Good luck post back if you do get a positive next week it be nice to know 🙂

Ino what you mean i have two kids already and had a few miscarriages iv never really had to try it’s just happened like that so this time I’m finding it a little upsetting 😭 I’m hoping it does happen but just like that but we shall see gd luck to you too hopefully weds or third comes quick see if I come in or not xx
It’s so upsetting especially after having mc when u want to get pregnant so badly.