hi guys.
I hope I get some help.
I had been pregnany but had a miss. I gad gone in to see my doc at 8 weeks and a couple of days on the 1st feb. I had started spotting by then on my expected period date had I not been pregnant. she did a scan and said that I had a promising sack but at the moment there was no heartbeat which was not normal. she put me on utrogestan but didn't help. I guess I loss my baby on the 3rd feb.. im not certain. I tried a diff gynea on the 5th feb and she confirmed that it was a miss. I was just too heart broken to question what had caused it. same day I had a d&c done. im now 10 days pass that d&c. we started trying again since last Thursday.i now have this nausease feeling, same as I felt before I could find out about my prev pregnancy. acc to my dates. im due to ovulate only tomorrow. ive had intercouses on Thursday, Saturday and sunday... I don't know what too expect I so wanna fall pregnant again. am I preggies? is it possible so soon?
we hoping and praying to have our baby born just intime for the December holidays.
any help will be appreciated please.
thanks guys