Started 8 weeks today woo hoo. My bladder is working overtime if I wake in the night, boom need to pee then again and again oh and again! Fun isn't it. Not, my sleep is ruined at the moment. Plus my emotions are all over the place, can't stop crying. Boobs are still sore and huge! Oh what's with waking up at 3 am because I'm starving! Literally I got up and was contemplating making tea and toast! Had a glass of water and a ginger biscuit and managed to nod off again. This is new and didn't happen with other two children. So there u go that's what I can expect this week. Shall update my blog in week 9. Bye for now
8 weeks: Started 8 weeks today woo hoo... - Pregnancy and Par...
8 weeks
Lol! Had exactally the same week 8. Now nearing week 14, dont need to pee as much, boobs still sore and had another groth spurt! Eek! Hungry all the time, but havent had any morning sickness.
Good luck
A x
Hope all is going well Hun. And the sickness has still hasn't made an appearance xx
Glad to find someone at 8 weeks You should be lucky! peeing isn't as bad as morning sickness.. In my case I couldn't get myself to eat anything other than cream crackers and orange juice and few other things during week 7..Couldn't stand the smell of food it was so weird. It wasn't fun at all. In fact I was beginning to think that being pregnant isn't going to be as fun and exciting as I expected. Anyway now i've got better and can eat fairly normally. Having my first scan next week! this is my first baby so i'm very excited!
Good Luck and hope things get better for all of us!
Aww, I remember having to pee loads until week twelve, now 18 and a half weeks, I'm not woken by the need to pee, but with my hips and knees in agony.
I do remember having to have cheesecake and milk at three am, and most recently at four am for a cheese and peanut butter sandwich. Baby will find a way off getting what it needs even in the wee hours of the morning.