After 3 miscarriages, hearing my babies heartbeat at 6weeks was amazing. My fiance is in shock still and the smile on his face everyday is adorable. I can't help but worry about our baby everyday. I work at a private school (ages 2 to 6) where kids and parents can be very needy and older kids who are 5+ who are spoiled and wanting to be picked up and babied at drop off. Due to the previous miscarriages, I don't want to tell anyone yet, but I also don't want to strain my body picking up these gigantic children. How can I know if I'm putting too much strain on my body? This could be a stupid question, but whats the chances of me having a miscarriage without cramps or bleeding? My next appointment isn't until I'm 16 weeks which is driving me crazy! Thats 2 whole months from now!
8 weeks pregnant and worried. - Pregnancy and Par...
8 weeks pregnant and worried.

Hi, I know how you're feeling as I have also had 3 losses prior to this pregnancy. After 2, I was investigated by the pregnancy loss clinic - have you had any investigations done to see what the cause may have been? I'm on baby aspirin and heparin because they found a blood clotting problem. Maybe it's worth asking about aspirin?
They say that once you see a heartbeat, the chances of mc decreases. But I will say this and not meaning to alarm you but we saw a hb on our 3rd one at 7 weeks but the baby was measuring a week behind and I lost it a week later. If your baby is measuring ok, you should be fine. I had been spotting but without cramps. Another thing that can happen is a missed mc where you might not realise anything has happened for a couple of weeks. But again, you're likely to have spotting with this. Can you be referred to a high risk clinic based on your history? That way you will be scanned more frequently and it will reassure you. Or maybe get a private scan at 10 weeks?
Additionally, if I were you I'd tell your employer. I can understand why you might not want to but the baby is your priority. I had a risk assessment done at work as soon as I found out I was pregnant and heavy lifting, pulling or pushing are all bad. Personally I wouldn't take the risk. Your employer will understand, I believe they have to accommodate you by law and if that means changing your work for a few months, then so be it. And at least you will have given this your best chance if you can reduce any lifting.
Thanks for the response! While I like to think I'm high risk, my doctor didn't seem too concerned. He prescribed me progesterone for the next 2 and half months and sent me on my way. I would think that after 3, he'd be a little more concerned. The first miscarriage was a partial molar pregnancy, so there really wasn't anything we could do and the the next two never made it past 5 weeks. Apparently nothing alarmed the doctors and they basically just said miscarriage is common. I'm considering consulting with another doctor this pregnancy. I've told management at my job, but I just feel like they aren't taking this as serious as I am. They are very good at saying "don't stress" and "just call if you need us", but they aren't good with following through.
It's true that miscarriage is common, unfortunately, but where I was seen the policy is to be investigated after 2 if you have no children and after 3 if you do. I am in Ireland but I can't imagine it would be any different in the uk. My GP referred me to the high risk clinic after my first one.
Well, at least the progesterone will help maintain the pregnancy and you are further along than before which is great! If you do see any spotting, then contact your early pregnancy unit and they will scan you. Try not to worry too much, most mc are unexplained and women go on to have healthy pregnancies.
Does work know about your past history? My manager knows and I think it really helped because he's super cautious and doesn't ask me to do anything he knows I'd be uncomfortable with.
Wish you best of luck with the rest of the pregnancy - you have the nausea and insomnia to come, which is why I'm awake at this time!!
I've told them everything, but unfortunately I just don't think they care much. I'm a very nice person and I care for everyone, even If I don't know them, but sadly to say not everyone is the same.. I'm starting to feel more nauseous and tired, so I'm hoping thats a good sign that the baby is still going strong. Thanks for the help! Its greatly appreciated. I don't know what time it is in Ireland, but I'm sure I'll be up at the sometime tonight. I hope you get some sleep!
Just remember and keep in mind what's important you and your baby, make that be your focus, try not to worry, when your body say rest then you rest...