Hi I'm 5 weeks pregnant and I have this light bleeding for more than a week. Already gone to the doctor and they just said to monitor my condition at home if bleeding stops or not and scheduled me for ultrasound when baby is visible to check if there's really a developing baby. Just wanted to ask if somebody had experienced the same as this and some tips to help me and my baby.
Miscarriage or spotting: Hi I'm 5 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...
Miscarriage or spotting

Hiya, I'm sorry about the spotting and the fear it causes. It can be normal. If you want to put your mind at rest you can get beta hcg blood tests 48 hours apart. If your numbers are doubling you know it will be fine. It can provide reassurance in the absence of a scan. Good luck x
hi I had this, early this year, I had beta hcg blood drawn although my numbers doubled as they should when I had a scan it turned to be ectopic I also had no pains, that being said sometimes small bleeds can be normal and implantation bleeding, or a heamatoma which some people get through pregnancy, if you are worried and the bleeding becomes heavy and fills a pad then you should get check. Keeping everything crossed for you and your pregnancy
hi I’m so sorry that must be scary. As you are bleeding you can go to or contact your local EPU. at 5 weeks they won’t be able to see the baby yet but they should be able to do bloods and scan to see if they can locate the sac to check it’s not ectopic at least. Unfortunately there isn’t really anything at all you can do to change the outcome here lovely and I’ve been in this position a few times myself so I know how worrying it is xx
Hi, bleeding is really common, so everything could be fine, I had bleeding that turned to miscarriage and bleeding when I was pregnant and everything was ok, I really couldn’t have told any difference at that early stage. There are private scan places that will scan from 5 weeks but if they can’t see anything you’d have to go back again anyway at 6 weeks so maybe best to wait until the one you have scheduled. Fingers crossed for you xx
It’s truly hard to know. I bled early in pregnancy, ended up miscarrying, and bled around 8 weeks with another pregnancy; gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.
Praying all is well with you.
Sometimes your cervix can be tender because of hormonal changes. This can cause blood.
Hi! I am sorry to hear about the bleeding. It happened to me too at 5w3d and was horrible. Turned out to be a large subchorionic haematoma, which apparently is quite common for IVF pregnancies and even more so if you are taking baby aspirin. I was told to stop the baby aspirin immediately and to take it easy and work from home if possible. No standing up or walking for more than 10-20 minutes. Fortunately, it resolved itself by 12 week scan. I should say, I did pay for a private scan at 5w5d and that gave us great peace of mind. Very best of luck!
I had bleeding at 5 weeks for about 5 days - started out almost like a period and got lighter. I was told my ivf consultant that it was a miscarriage and to stop my meds on the first night. Stayed on my meds and called the ivf nurses who told me to stay on the meds, bleeding can be common and to take another uring test in 7 days, let them know the results. Tested positive still 7 days later, went for the 6 week scan and found a healthy heartbeat but I had a 'separation' of the lining which was resolving. I'm now almost 16 weeks. I think we just need to monitor these things and hope for the best. Fingers crossed for you.
Hi moms, thank you for your well wishes. It helped me to be positive and hopeful with my pregnancy. I'm supposed to be 7 weeks pregnant right now. And just a little bit of a background, I started to have this light to moderate bleeding on November 28 and I still experience this light bleeding up till now. I had my scan done today and the result wasn't that favorable. It turns out, I have this gestational sac but there is no developing baby inside, they called it blighted ovum. I'm pregnant but without a baby. It's kinda hard to accept really, but there's nothing much we can do about it. It will lead to failed pregnancy in the end.
I still need to visit my OB though and see what to do next with my condition. They say that we can still try scanning it one last time, after another 2 weeks just to be sure if there is or there isn't any baby inside my tummy.
Still hoping for positive outcome after two weeks time.
I’m so so sorry 😢 I had a missed misscariage 2 months ago and I had to keep going back to see if any development and it was the hardest few weeks as you know what’s going to happen but they make you have that bit of hope anyways 💔 I hope you heal quickly physically and you have support around you to help you emotionally as it’s such a tough thing to go through xx
Hello salomekit what is update now?
Some people bleed when pregnant but a wud phone midwife a bleed at first but stopped now nd am 32weeks pregnant xx