Thanks everyone for giving all your valuable suggestions during my pregnancy journey.
HAPPY to announce that we are blessed with baby girl 😊❤💕
But my baby is having jaundice .. Please do suggest what should I eat and can I do for my baby?
Thanks everyone for giving all your valuable suggestions during my pregnancy journey.
HAPPY to announce that we are blessed with baby girl 😊❤💕
But my baby is having jaundice .. Please do suggest what should I eat and can I do for my baby?
Massive congratulations!!
Are you breastfeeding? It’s very common, my son had it and it lasted 6 weeks. As long as baby isn’t lethargic and has normal nappies then it should resolve in time.
Treatment is usually only needed if your baby has high levels of a substance called bilirubin in their blood, so tests need to be carried out to check this. Your health visitors should be able to help you with information and tests.
You just need to keep feeding baby as often as they want, if you also try and keep baby feeding a bit longer by touching toes etc. I have expressed milk in syringes too because baby had tongue tie. I would see if you can have a visit with the infant feeding team if baby is struggling to latch or contact la leche league and get some advice from them about the latch. You can also YouTube or Google the flipple technique which can help to get a better latch.
Congratulations on your baby girl x
My little girl had high levels too when she was born. I originally breastfed but she wasn’t taking much milk as she struggled to get back to her birth weight. So in the end I expressed and bottle fed her. That way I knew she was getting plenty of milk to help flush the jaundice out. I found with my little one she used me as comfort so she’d just fall asleep on my boob.
I do breastfeed her .. But she sleeps all the day... I am soo much worried.. Doctor advised to expose her to morning sunlight..
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!
Tanq dear
Congratulations x Try not to worry, just wake her to be fed if need be. We've just been through this with our little girl and the hv were great. They will keep testing her levels and if they get too high you can will need to visit the hospital to get her tested more accurately. Luckily our baby didn't need treatment, but they thought they may have needed to put her under a light. Hope it all goes well for you
Tanq dear