Hi there, I went for a private 3D scan at 27+3 and they said my amniotic was 9cm (the most it should be is 8cm) and that I should call my midwife. Other than that the baby looked great and healthy albeit a bit bigger than average. The midwives got me in for an extra scan with them today and confirmed that I have mild polyhydramnios and a larger baby. I’ve been booked in to get a GGT in a few weeks and a follow up scan to see if it’s changed at all. I’ve stupidly been reading stuff online that now has me in a bit of a state. Has anyone also had this?
Diagnosed with Polyhydramnios at 27 w... - Pregnancy and Par...
Diagnosed with Polyhydramnios at 27 weeks

I had the same and was also put in a major panic from Googling! It turned out absolutely fine though.
I was booked in for regular growth scans anyway because some of my baby’s measurements were a bit off but they said they’d have increased my scans if I wasn’t already. I also repeated my GTT and was fine.
Mine resolved itself by the time I was about 35 weeks and when babe arrived he was perfect. They said it’s quite common for polyhydramnios to not have any cause other than the baby being large. Mine was 9lb 12. Wishing you loads of luck, Google is scary but I’m sure your midwife will be able to reassure you lots. Xx
Thanks for replying. That makes me feel a bit better. I know I shouldn’t google, got a row from the midwives for upsetting myself reading all the stuff online. They were basically like “we aren’t concerned so believe us” 😂 Thanks again xx
Hello. I’ve just been diagnosed with this at 35 weeks. My placenta is also covering my cervix so the only thing they’re worried about is baby coming early (because the sac is weighing down on the placenta) so in my case it’s the combination and my placenta means I need a c section. They didn’t seem too concerned with the fluid levels because the baby’s measurements and movements are all fine. I made the mistake of googling yesterday and have decided not to do THAT again. Wish you the best of luck for your pregnancy xx