Hello all,
I’m just 24 weeks pregnant (yesterday) with my first baby. I was told at a 16 week scan that I have an anterior placenta so I might feel my baby move later than others who have a placenta at the back (the norm). I started to feel my baby around 17 weeks and it’s been getting more regular to the point where last week it was really prominent and I could really feel kicks. However the last 3 days I have only felt slight movement (much lighter thane previously) in the morning and nothing the rest of the day. My OH thinks that the baby has maybe rolled over and that’s why I’m only feeling movement now when I’m on my side in bed ... i also think that if the baby has rolled over then it could well be moving but I’m not feeling it through the placenta etc ... I have a scheduled midwife appointment on Wednesday so I (we) will checked then but should I be concerned or does this sound normal to all you that have had babies? On the NHS website it indicates that the baby’s movements might be sporadic up until 28 weeks...