Hiya, i am 33 weeks tomorrow with my first baby, i had a glucose test at 26 weeks that came back normal. But because i now have excess fluid around my little man they want to repeat the test. The last time i had the test i nearly threw it back up again as my sense of taste and smell is out of this world, it was disgusting. I was wondering whether even though its been recommended would it be okai to decline another gtt rather then putting myself through that again.
2nd GTT : Hiya, i am 33 weeks tomorrow... - Pregnancy and Par...
2nd GTT
You might be able to ask if they can find out by having a blood test instead of doing the GTT test.It is your decision to decline the test if you wanted to, your don't have to do any medical procedures that you don't consent to, but if you do have gestational diabetes and it goes untreated it does leave you open to more risks in your pregnancy, so I wouldn't recommend declining it completely if they can't do it just by your bloods.
I have gestational diabetes and without medication and insulin I wouldn't be able to control my sugar levels at all, despite eating a low carb and low sugar diet. Even my morning fasting levels were high until I started on insulin.
Thank you for your reply, i have never had any problems with my blood sugar levels, i eat a balanced diet especially being pregnant now too. No one in my family has diabetes either, Also with the normal levels at 26 weeks it seems pointless too have it again. I would happily do the blood tests needles do not faze me its just that drink, i nearly threw it all back up last time.
Sadly gestational diabetes is not like normal diabetes, it doesn't matter about your diet or family history. It's something to do with the hormones in your placenta which means you don't produce enough insulin and can't effectively remove the sugar in your blood.
Excess fluid is one of the markers for having gestational diabetes.
There are several things that uncontrolled diabetes can lead to such as having a larger than normal baby, premature birth, still birth, pre eclampsia, baby having low blood sugar at birth which can lead to fits etc. So it's really about weighing up the risks when choosing to get tested or not.
I thought I had a fairly healthy diet but it wasn't compatible with diabetes, I can't even have small bowl of porridge or a jacket potato without my sugars spiking, so I really have to eat low carb and low sugar.
If you decide not to get tested and not find out if you've got GD for sure, it may be worth taking to your midwife about it and seeing if she can give you advice on what other options you have to monitor you.
I was diagnosed in my 2nd pregnancy at 8 weeks and I'm currently having appointments with my diabetes consultant and obstetrician around every three weeks, along with urine samples and blood pressure checks and start my extra scans at 28 weeks. It's something they take extremely seriously, while I would definitely say it's worth getting tested to find out for sure, but it's entirely your choice xx
As above it's up to decide if to have it or not. You say you have no risks, yet this is not a routine test and they must have done it the first time for some reason. I had it with all 3 of mine die to high BMI. It was disgusting and I felt sick each and every time. This is the considered gold standard test for gestational diabetes as other tests are not as sensitive. However if it's feeling sick for a few hours Vs picking up diabetes which could affect me and babys health, to me it's a no brainer. Baby's health wins every time.