Hey all, pleased to be back so soon with good news and a second positive test result. We're 11 weeks post-m/c but could be about 5/6 weeks pregnant again. I didn't have a period between at all so we're waiting for the EPU to book a scan to date. My temperature has only been raised for about 3 weeks, so I'd say that's when I ovulated, but I didn't write down the exact date I noticed the change. My HCG count is nice and high though so Dr thinks I could be further, but the chart variations are enormous so I can't see any way to date from HCG at all. We went from 40350 on Tues, to 64855 Thurs. Not doubling, but he seemed to think it was still a big enough growth. Anyone know anything about HCG?
Anyway, waiting now for a scan. They don't want to do too early in case there's nothing to see, naturally, but getting a good result will be a relief. Let's hope this one is stickier than the last! I'm pleased we seem to have cracked the actually getting pregnant part at least. It's still a long journey from here, but will try and be nothing but positive!