Hi all I’m just looking for some advice I unfortunately had a miscarriage in March and had the ERPC treatment which was just over 6 weeks ago however I’ve not had a period yet. Has anyone had experience of this please?
Period after ERPC treatment from misc... - Pregnancy and Par...
Period after ERPC treatment from miscarriage
I’m so sorry you had to go through it! I hope you are feeling ok.
You must speak to your doctor and ask to be referred to a gynaecologist. It may just be your body needing some more time to adjust but it could also be that you still have remaining pregnancy tissue, that stops your period (have you tried a pregnancy test? Are they negative?) or you need to be checked for accidental scarring or adhesions (do you get full pregnancy symptoms, just no blood?) with a saline test. That is called Hughes syndrome sometimes and could stop period blood from flowing out, it can happen after an ERPC. This last possibility is the least likely but it’s good to know as early as possible, in case you need further treatment.
Having said that, I had a missed miscarriage previously and had to have an MVA (similar but without the general anaesthetic - ouch). My period wasn’t normal for the first month. It depends how far along you were too.
Big hug! I hope it’s all ok.