Hello there!
I was wondering is anyone could help. Our little one is nearly 10 months and have had a fan breastfeeding journey. I am going back to work in a couple of months and have been naturally weaning during the day and night. We have been on one feed a night now for a few weeks after feeding more than every hour. We have got to the point now where two nights ago he slept through for the first time (prob exhausted from swimming)after big struggles with sleep from day one. It has slowly improved over the last few weeks which is awesome. Last night he woke several times ( we may have put him down too early or is teething) I tried to settle him without milk and he would fight me, complain, arch his back etc. My husband came in to help and he settled back to sleep straight away on him but took a number of attempts to settle in his cot which he did eventually. Is this normal and how long can I expect this to last? Is there anything I can do to help. I would just like to be able to settle him at the very least. Of course we would like him to sleep longer but that would be a bonus.