I'm just after some advice about weaning. It's not going too well. I started weaning my baby at around 6 months as is recommended. I gave him homemade purées of veg and then fruit once or twice a day and he seemed to like everything offered - even things like courgette which I thought he may not like! Then around 7 months he started becoming fussy and would refuse the spoon. Tried sweet fruit like apricots and plums but still refused them. Even tried rusk mashed up & mixed into formula milk but no luck. Gave him a bit of a break from solids to see if he would be interested then but still no. Talked to a HV but felt even more worried after - was told he should be eating what I'm eating as needs protein & iron etc and should be on lumpier foods than just purées.
His weight was ok last time I got him weighed - still tracking his centile (always been quite a slim baby since birth) but the HV's comments made me feel I was doing something wrong. Have also tried giving him finger foods to pick up to see if he would eat by himself but no joy - nothing goes in his mouth. He doesn't even attempt it. Just plays with it then throws it on the floor. He doesn't put toys or anything in his mouth so can't see him putting food in there. Not sure what to do as he's now 9 months and still EBF. He wakes up multiple times in the night and I feed him as think he may be hungry if not taking any solids.
For a few days last week he let me spoon feed him some baby porridge in the morning and thought great he's now interested in eating! but now the novelty has worn off again he's back to flat out refusing the spoon...
Has anyone had a similar experience with weaning and what did they do? Thanks in advance! x