I have just joined the NCT today and this is my 1st post.
I am reaching out because I find myself in a really dark place. I am 16 weeks pregnant and it became clear on Christmas Day that daddy (who originally freaked and took a month to come around to the idea of baby) is still in love with his wife (nearly ex, they have 3 children and despite being separated before me, Covid has meant that getting the Decree Absolute has taken over 1 year).
Daddy has 3 children (5,6&7). He only told his mum, dad and I told his sister about the pregnancy. He has asked that we keep it quiet and I have hid it with baggy clothes. I felt very hurt that he wouldn’t tell his friends and family. Or even her, trying to keep her happy with spousal allowance rather than tell her about baby meaning that finances would be assessed fairly for our new family. I felt hurt that I couldn’t celebrate my pregnancy and be proud of my emerging bump.
Christmas Day I just felt a climax of emotions and left. After a 4 hour drive home (we live 219 miles apart), he told me we were done. There has been a week and a half of messages back and forth but ultimately he wouldn’t talk to me.
Now I’m in Shropshire in a new house. I know no one as I purchased the house at the end of the 1st lockdown. I’m self employed so in my house alone - which needs new windows fitting and currently looks like a building site (freezing cold with only electric heating).
I have reached out to friends but came off of all social media as I don’t think it’s good for my mental health. I was a yoga teacher so am practicing daily and a health coach so am focusing on long baths, walks with my puppy, meditation and breathing but I cannot turn off this self doubt and depressive thoughts. I have contacted Iapt for counselling but they now want me to reregister after I missed my appointment, meaning it will take another month before I speak to someone.
What I’m asking is advice... I’m terrified of doing this alone, and scared of how I will get through this pregnancy and birth in a never ending lockdown.
Also, after only having two appointments and never having met my midwife, I feel totally unsupported.
Grateful for any thoughts x