I’ve decided to pay for and get a private scan done at 16 weeks and to find out gender.
I am nervous but excited to see baby again and just hope it’s well and healthy.
Although I’m in second trimester I am finding pregnancy very difficult with my mental health to the point that my partner can’t handle my behaviour and I’m now staying with my parents.
I was reluctant to do this as I do not have faith in my partner and rightly so as he has started up smoking again despite both of us quitting together before we had our unplanned baby. However after an incident occurred and I confided in a family member I made the decision to give both us breathing space, it was a difficult decision.
I just want other ladies to know that when it comes to your health, mental and physical, you need to do what’s right for you. Men do not and will not ever understand unless you are with the rare type who can take care of your needs. It is ok to ask for help when you/if you’re struggling, like me. Do not be afraid of what people will think as this was also one of my worries. People will never stop judging despite not being in a position to judge!
I’m now on a waiting list for counselling which I referred myself to and been referred to perinatal mental health by my midwife and have surrounded myself with people who understand the changes going through my body and mind at this difficult time.
I made the right choice to leave home. It’s made a world of difference and I hope anyone who is struggling out there will use the support available out there.
I want this post to be positive for those who are in my position and finding life particularly a struggle due to what’s happening in the world right now and added stress and worries of growing and preparing for new life.
We’re here together so let’s use this space to talk. We are strong and we’re in this together! Please get in touch and share your stories to help women like me realise that it’s ok to not be ok and to ask for help and recognise it. Love and strength to all. 🙏🏽