Hello, so I have just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant, this will be my first baby. I am really excited but also very nervous! I called the doctors today and they referred me to a midwife, because of Covid the first appointment is going to be a video call which is ok, but normally they would of been able to give you your due date, can they still do this? Also I dont think my partner will be able to come to my first scan, which is rubbish as I want him with me throughout the pregnancy. So I am thinking of getting an early reassurance scan done privately, has anyone had one of these done? and how many weeks do you need to be to have one? Also we havent told our parents yet (quite nervous!!) My partner already has a little girl but this will be our first baby together, how did everyone get on telling parents and did you wait until you had a scan before you told them?
Just found out im 6 weeks pregnant - Pregnancy and Par...
Just found out im 6 weeks pregnant

Hi congratulations, normally your first midwife appointment is just to go over everything and get your pregnancy pack. You'll also go in at some point for blood tests but I think with covid they are doing some of these with your first scan at 12/14 weeks.
When you see the midwife they will calculate your due date by using the first day of your last period. You can get your due date yourself by using the nhs due date calculator. They use the same calculations so it should be the same. The only time that might change is at your first dating scan at 12/14 weeks when they take the measurements.
Theres also lots of helpful information on the nhs site.
Good luck xx
Thank you for this xx
I've told our parents because why not? We've been trying for a year and they can give support if things go pear-shaped. Can depend on your parents though I suppose.
Congratulations, how exciting! I had an early scan and was told an absolute minimum is 6 weeks, but 7 is ok and 8 is better to ensure that you should see a heartbeat etc and they can more confidently reassure you. I would honestly recommend holding out until 8 weeks tbh as if they can’t see what they’re looking for first time it’s a very anxious and horrible week wait (and more money!) for another scan.
As for telling parents, the first time we waited til after the scan, but sadly it wasn’t good news and then all I had to tell them was bad news- so felt I’d been robbed of that joy too. As prettygurly says, you may like their support either way depending on your parents. But remember, even though bad things can happen, the majority of the time they don’t, so try to focus on that and enjoy this special time xx
thank you! I have decided to book a private scan and I have gone with 20th Oct so I will be 9 weeks by then, hopefully they will be able to see more then I also told both sets of parents last night and they are all so excited and supportive, I am so happy !! Just need to calm down now and be patient ! xx
Congratulations. The due date was confirmed to me over the phone by the midwives when I told them my last period dates. This was then confirmed at the 12 week hospital scan.
As my husband couldn't come to the hospital scan with me (I agree it's such a shame and I'd have really liked the support) we booked a private scan at 10 weeks for reassurance - I was going out of my mind with worry and wanted him to be there whether it be good or bad news. I am so glad we did this as we could see our little baby at the same time.