Pls I have a two partner that am dating and first partner have sex with me on last day of my menses that’s on 25 of august and second partner also had sex with me on 2nd and 6 of September and my cycle is 28 to 31 upward pls what’s chance of me getting pregnant am confused with who have the baby and scan is telling me that the first guy own the baby and doctor is telling isn’t possible for the first guy to own the baby
Who own the baby : Pls I have a two... - Pregnancy and Par...
Who own the baby

Your pregnancy will be dated from the first day of your last period, so not from the day you had sex on. Meaning that normally the first 1 to 2 weeks of your pregnancy you won't actually be pregnant but that you fall pregnant during that cycle.
It's more likely to be the child of the second man, as this sex would have been nearer your fertile period, but things don't always work out the way you'd expect, so I would say you'll need them to do a DNA test to confirm who is the father of the child as sperm can live inside you for several days so there's no concrete way of knowing your voiceprint date.
I guess second guy closer to your ovulation but as above suggested a dna test

That's mean there's no chance of me getting pregnant on the last day of my menses
What's is confusing me now is the scan us telling me that I go pregnant on the last day of my menses that's on 25th of August
So how many weeks+days pregnant were you when they did the scan?

9weeks and 3 days
I went to do the scan on 28 last month
And I went for another scan today is telling 10weeks and 6day
What was your period start date?

It start on 20th of August and end on 24 of August also and first partner have sex with me on 25 of August, the second partner have sex with me on 2nd and 6th of September
Your scan would tell you your estimated due date, not your estimated conception date. There's no way for the scan to say what date you got pregnant on as it's not an exact science, sperm can live for 7 days inside you and so could meet the egg any day after its released.
Your dates would be based on the first day of your last period, so your pregnancy is dated in the first day of your last period not from the day you conceived.
Going off you last period you’d be 10w+5 today I’d get a dna I’d still say the 2nd but 🤷🏻♀️
That's mean the second guy is responsible for the pregnancy right
What if my menses cycle pass 28 you no cycle always change sometime
If my cycle is 30 or 31 is still the same thing right
Just play it safe and get a DNA Test when the baby is born, it could be either mans child realistically, you could’ve ovulated earlier or later and sperm can survive for a few days inside you
Nothing but a DNA test is going to be able to say for certain who’s baby it is. You had sex with 2 people close enough together that it could be either of them. You need to inform both men there is a chance the baby is theirs and you will find out for sure after you’ve had it. For the sake of the baby and the father, paternity isn’t something you should guesstimate
Please just do DNA test and inform both partners.
DNA test is the only way, I'm a victim of a mother that had sex with two men around same time. I only found out when i was 16 that my dad may not be my dad and only managed to get a dna test done when i was 30 it destroyed me it stressed me out and i was extremely angry towards my mum. Thankfully the man that brought me up was my dad sadly he passed 10 years ago i couldn't DNA with him as he always believed he was my dad and refused the one time i asked him. It took me to track the other guy down and get my hubby to make sure he did the DNA. Save yourself and your child and the men from lots of heartache and be honest and do DNA as soon as bubu is born. X
Is there any DNA for unborn baby
I count for the day the first guy had sex with me till the Edd of the I will give birth it was 10 month and I also do the same for the guy I count for the day the second guy have sex it me also till my expire Edd the day I will give birth it was 9month
That mean the second guy is responsible for the pregnancy
Get a DNA test! As I, and others have said you had sex with 2 people close enough together that either man could realistically be the father. Sperm can survive for 7 days after sex and your estimated due date is just that. An estimate. It doesn’t give you a date of conception and an average pregnancy is 40 weeks but can be safely anywhere from 38-42 weeks full term. Is your concern that you don’t want to have to tell one of your partners you’ve had sex with someone else so that’s why you are guessing? You can get a prenatal paternity test done to find out for sure. It is unfair for the men involved and your unborn baby for you to assume/guess who the biological father is
What am trying to say now is that Is not possible for me to get pregnant on the last day of my menses cos am 28cycle
And first partner have sex with me on the last day of my menses that's on 25th of August why the second partner also have sex with me on 6 of September
That's probably near my ovulation period
If am 22 or 24 cycle is possible for me to get pregnant on the last day of my menses but am longer cycle
That's what am trying to point now
It’s very possible unless youve tracked ovulation, you could’ve ovulated late and had a long cycle. Some women get pregnant during their period! Because you had sex with both guys in such a short space of time no one can give you a definite answer as sperm can survive for 7 days inside you. So please get a DNA test, don’t guess with a child’s paternity and don’t make a man responsible for a child that might not be his, you need a DNA test done when the baby is born, it’s a mouth swab, very simple, no pain and it will answer all your problems!
It IS possible to get pregnant on the last day. We went on holiday and because it had stopped, we had unprotected sex as I couldn't get pregnant. That resulted in my 3rd child. My periods were regular, 28 days, so it was a bit of a surprise. I suppose you could get a test, but it could possibly harm the baby. You would also have to pay for it, and you would need DNA from at least one potential father. Perhaps only have sex with one guy at a time would have been better. Well obviously you did, but one boyfriend at a time. Time will tell.
Although unlikely you can get pregnant at any point during your cycle even whilst on a period, and if you were so sure it’s one guy and not the other, you wouldn’t be asking the internet for its opinion. Everyone’s opinion is get a DNA test. Even if the chances are small, both men deserve to know for certain
As others have said, the only way to tell who the father is would to do a DNA test once baby is born. Your scan dates are not 100% accurate & nor is going off of the first day of you last period as I found out.
I am 27 +3 according to my scans, however if I was to of gone off of my period I was around a week & a half out. So according to my scans & the EDD they have given me, it means as my periods ate sadly 7 days long I'd of fallen pregnant during my period?! I was certain that at some point during any follow up scans/private scans I'd be dated again to fit more in line with my dates but no, the scans have all been exactly the same.
For the sake of your child & the heartache it could bring to them, tell both men about the situation & get a DNA test once baby is here. It is unfair on all parties to go off a guess!