Well aint been on gere for a while! Been so busy latley with work an volunteering, aint had time to relax really! Im 32 weeks today (times gone bloody quick) and as time goes on i am a little nervous but otherwise ok, but theres a problem. The OH wont give me any! He says hes 'scared about hurting the baby' but more importantly incase i go into labour! I mean what is with that! I appreciated him being cautious and concerned, but back when we first found out i was pregnant, he didnt care! He wanted sex all the time! I mean what guy doesnt want sex!
I admit now my bodys changed i dont feel as 'sexy' as pre pregnancy but a woman does have needs! Im due in january (not long to go!) but i cant wait till after baby arrives!! Last stages of pregnancy, ive all of a sudden become so damn horny its starting to annoy me!!!!