Eating Pineapple Induce Labor
Birth : Eating Pineapple Induce Labor - Pregnancy and Par...
No it's a old wives tale, you can eat pineapple it won't help induce labour, but like all old wives takes there's no harm trying some of them if you want to. You can drink raspberry leaf tea, hot curry, drive a bumpy road, sex etc a lot of ways to try and induce baby. Essentially baby will come when it's ready unless you have a c-section or an induction.
Might give you raging heartburn if you eat a lot of pineapple, I’ve seen you post a couple of times about when baby can be delivered from 36 weeks onwards, the best thing to do is just let nature take its course, baby will come when baby is ready, I get the excitement of meeting your baby and also get wanting pregnancy to be over and done with, but unless you have a csection or get induced at the hospital, there’s no guaranteed method to induce labour, try the old wives tales but don’t put too much pressure on yourself to deliver a baby before 40 weeks, realistically you could be pregnant until 42 weeks x
I tried EVERYTHING to induce my labour and still ended up being induced and eventually having my baby ten days late! I think sometimes you can’t induce no matter how hard you try just go with the flow x