Anyone had a home birth?
HOME BIRTH? : Anyone had a home birth? - Pregnancy and Par...

Are you having one? I wanted one with my daughter but couldn't due to strep b xx
I doubt I will but it’s popped into my head a couple of times but it scares me if something isn’t straight forward x
I did the StrepB test on week 36, came back negative, so I was so much happier to give vaginal birth that there’s nearly no chances on passing it to my baby (baby arrive w39+4)
I always dreamed of one. My partner did not wanted birth at home. Glad I listened to him - I had placenta that did not detach and needed to be manually removed - so I had all best care at the hospital.
I watched last week Sam & Billy’s Mummy dairies - loved her home birth ❤️
Yeah that’s the thing isn’t it, if its not totally straightforward then you go in to hospital anyway x
I am glad I was at the hospital though - because after giving birth they rushed me into operation room - gave me ivf + spinal anaesthetic and I could not see my baby for few hours... it would have been too stressful if we would have the ambulance taking us both to hospital and then separating us... 😭
Good luck in making best decision - but it sounds like you have made your mind up already x
Yeah that would have been traumatic. And yes, i will be opting for hospital birth 😊 xx
My pregnancy was straight forward, I was super fit (cycling till week 36,
But this was my first pregnancy and I was 34 years old.
Maybe if I was in my 20’s I would have had my baby at home 😊
Nope and wouldn't want one... I know I'm certain countries like the Netherlands it's the normal thing to do, and you do get a midwife for yourself...
Haha I won't give you my opinion though as it's a pretty negative one 😖
Go on! I want to know opinions/experiences good or bad x
Had a third degree with my first and needed stitches in theatre. For me a comfy home environment was not important just wanted to know that any issue a doctor (for me or baby) was. Phone call away. Statistics do show that home births are safe for low risk pregnancies, But being medical I've seen bad things happen and didn't want to take the chance!
With my second I was in and out in a few hours I doubt they would have got out a midwife out in time as delivered 45 mins after getting to hospital... tried to get an epidural and that didn't happen as it was midwife change over time when I got to triage
Yeah that’s my thing about it, you’re right. It makes me nervous. I’m single so just want to get back to my other 2 ASAP.
What do you do Roxanna?
lol not sure I want to disclose ... I'm a gp in training but worked in hospital for a few years (you rotate between specialities) so seen my fair share... although as a doctor you only see the bad things 😖
I'm not single but still wanted to be home asap cuz of my 2 yr old. Thing is they will spend you home as soon as they're happy (I waited about 4 hours had my baby check done and left hospital) if I needed to stay in hospital it means a home birth wasn't appropriate anyways.
A colleague of mine told me she had a home birth fir her first baby needed to go into hospital (don't know the details) but waiting for that ambulance was the worse thing in her life not to add the fact that she had to sort herself out to go with anyways!
Plus there’s no Dr that can be buzzed and down within minutes.
Where do you even do it? Do you put plastic sheeting down? Definitely not on carpet, in the bathroom? Who actually cleans up the mess? I could have with my second because she was super easy no stitches but I think I’d probably would have died with my first (being dramatic) long and awkward birth. So no I wouldn’t opt for a home birth just incase.

I think most people hire a birthing pool! Apparently midwives clear away but it sounds a pain in the arse doesn’t it?! Like, can someone pick up that placenta please 😂 EW
My sister had a home birth but was rushed to hospital at the end for an emergency c section as baby was getting distressed. She didn’t have a pool, just plastic sheets and blankets on the living room floor. All was ok in the end though and my nephew was fine (and now 4!) x

Aw that must have been scary! Glad they were both okay x

When I went to hospital I tried gas and air - really did not like it so did not use it.
I tried birthing in the water - it made my contractions much stronger (I had very strong contractions for 25h ) so I got out of the water and most time I spent squatting on the toilet - it seemed the most comfortable position. Then ended up on the bed - tried the way that gravity is helping - did not help so ended up pushing in the position like on the tv - and it was the best for me.
It’s interesting how our expectations and reality sometimes are so different!
I went to a antenatal classe about home births on Saturday and made me seriously consider it. There are lots of positives and it's not nearly as risky as people think. Might be worth going to a class. I would definitely have one for my second but having my first in hospital as it's been a difficult pregnancy x