Hello everyone my baby girl she is nearly 6months. im gonne start to her solid food. could you recommend me nice food blender it can purees vegitable, fruit and meat/chicken as well please?
Baby food blender: Hello everyone my... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby food blender

We just used a kenwood stick blender that we had for making soup. Though my little one wasn't a fan of pureed foods to start with so probably best to avoid spending too much if thats all it's for.
Hi there you can just mash things with a fork. We mainly did baby led weaning along with some mashed foods. If you wanted to make anything even more mashed up you could just use a regular blender no need to buy one just for babies x
I was going to purchase the Tommy Tipee food processor but my health visitor told me that it’s not necessary and it’s easier to wean baby by just mashing stuff up really well as they need to get used to the textures and stuff☺️ But if you do want to try purées first, I was recommended the Tommy Tipee one by family☺️
Thank you guys for your important advice.👍👍👍
You can try some purees in jars first, to see if the baby likes purees at all. Plus the jars are oftentimes a saviour and so much less mess to clean. They also follow strict regulations and are always organic, meanwhile organic meat is so expensive.