My LG has a lump on the outer edge of her right eyebrow. I’ve circled it as best I can. It’s pea sized. It doesn’t seem to bother her at all. Initially I thought she’d bumped it but after a month it’s still there. I’ve looked it up and the most likely culprit is a dermoid cyst. Chances are she’s had it a long time but I only noticed it at a certain angle and in a certain light but now I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it. I’ve made an appointment for a GP to phone tomorrow afternoon to discuss it. Obviously I’m hoping that’s all it is, although it would still require surgery. Does anyone have any experience of this? I have a history of miscarriages and infertility which manifests in anxiety about my Daughter so I’m feeling a bit anxious at the moment 😬
Dermoid/Angular Cyst?: My LG has a lump... - Pregnancy and Par...
Dermoid/Angular Cyst?

I actually had this when I was around her age I’m now 35
Mine was more in the middle of my eyebrow and I had mine removed when I was little and it’s left the tiniest scar you would hardly notice
I know it’s worrying when it’s your little girl but I think she will be fine
Thank you. How old were you when it was removed, do you know? I’ve read they normally remove them between one and two years old because if they don’t they can cause infections and/or headaches xx
Yeah I think it was around that age
I’ll ask my mum tomorrow and get back to you
Thank you. I’d appreciate that. Could you ask your Mum at what stage she noticed it too please? xx
I wouldn’t worry too much till you see your g.p I know it’s not same but my son was born with a Benin lump under his arm and has to have it taken out when he’s older incase it turns cancerous I didn’t know these types of things were so common
I’m sorry to hear you’re LB has to have that done. How old is he? xx
He’s 6 now but they found it when he was 2 it has to be monitored every year started off every 6 months but as it’s in the way of many ligaments in his arm he has to wait till he is older for it to be removed unless it starts growing then it will have to come out earlier x
Hey, I hope you are well. Your daughter is just adorable 🥰
My daughter has a small lump on her shin which, as you say, once I noticed it I couldn’t stop noticing it. The GP asked me to keep an eye on it for a month and if it didn’t disappear then to take her for an ultrasound. I took her as it didn’t go away and they said it was nothing to worry about. They didn’t even actually give hers a name. Just told me to monitor the size of it. She also has a small lump underneath her chin which they said is the same thing.
Like you, my fertility issues and losses make me feel very anxious about her health and my own. It’s hard not to jump to the worst case scenario, well I know I do and then I worry myself sick. Hopefully the GP will put your mind at ease tomorrow. Xx
I remember you from the fertility network 😊 Thanks for your reply - it’s reassuring to know they’re not too concerned about your LG’s lumps and it’s also reassuring to know I’m not the only one who’s carried that anxiety with me.
I’m to send my GP some pictures on Monday (though it’s hard to see it in pictures, it’s easier in person) and then she’s going to refer her to a paediatric plastic surgeon, most likely at Birmingham xx
Aww bless she's so cute. My friends daughter has a lump on her thumb it never bother her either she visited the hospital who said it could be just fatty tissue. They have left it for 6 months to see if it grows. Hope this helps and I'm sure your little girl will be fine. Xx