Hi all,
Me and my step sister had our babies a few days apart, so their around 6.5 months. I had a boy and she had a girl, we parent very differently she stays in the house all day and let’s her little girl sleep where she falls asleep where as I like to go to baby groups and have more of a routine for my baby’s sleep especially at night.
Either way is fine it’s her choice what she wants to do and I don’t have a problem with that.
However she is trying to teach her little girl to walk, again her choice the problem I have is all the comparison comments the most reason ‘will Brodie of caught up with her by Christmas’. There’s always comments about how mobile she is compared to him as well, Brodie was a late roller due to bad reflux and quite honestly I quite like I put him down and for now know where he’ll be when I come back 😂
I’ve tried to say oh I’m not in any rush, he’ll do it when he’s ready which I know he will but I feel like it’s almost a dig at me - maybe I’m taking it personally but there’s never comments made about what he does do, Ie playing with toys it’s always just about him ‘catching up’.
Anyone have any tips?
Thanks x