Hello, just wondering if anyone has had the same experience as me and if this is possible.
I went for an early scan today as I had bleeding 12 days ago. I am not 100% about my dates but judging by my LMP I should be 10 weeks 3 day however scan is saying 7 weeks 5 days.
If I am truly 7 weeks 5 days that would mean I conceived 34 days into my cycle. I have been tracking my last 3 cycles and they were 31/30 days. Is it even possible to conceive that late in your cycle?
I put myself at around 9 weeks minimum and according to these days the bleeding I had would have been at 7 weeks + 5.
I am worried the baby has stopped growing when the bleeding happened and even though there is a heart beat it’s not a good sign. I know they will not give me another scan as the bleeding has stopped so I’ll be waiting another 4 weeks to know if everything is okay.
Has anyone had any experience with dates being behind 2/3 weeks?